What is the difference between html and asp.net controls?
Asp.net controls one hidden value for each control to maintain state that is exact difference if u put runat="server" and attch one hidden value to html control that works as asp.net control to see this open view source in web browser u will find this answer ok bye
How many Cookies we can use in a single Application ???
In web.config file how many cookies we can used?? plz help me
Cookies and Session Variables
How does cookies differ from session variables?
What is the main role of View State?
what is the main purpose of view Sate.. like we can maintain value by session and etc but still we used view state why..???
The code will be processed on web server when the runat attribute of the < Script > tag has the following value.
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) DesktopB) ClientC) Server
The Asp.net server control, which provides an alternative way of displaying text on web page, is
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) < asp:label >B) < asp:listitem >C) < asp:button >
What is the extension of a web user control file ?
Skill/Topic: BeginnerA) .AsmxB) . AscxC) .Aspx
Which DLL translate XML to SQL in IIS
Skill/Topic: IntermediateA) SQLISAPI.dllB) SQLXML.dllC) LISXML.dllD) SQLIIS.dll
How to open more than one datareader at a time
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) Use different datareader variableB) Use different datareader and connection variableC) Can not be done
Which one of the following namespaces contains the definition for IdbConnection
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) System.Data.InterfacesB) System.Data.CommonC) System.DataD) System.Data.Connection
What is the difference between Server.Transfer & Response.Redirect
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) No DifferenceB) Server.Transfer needs a roundtrip, Response.Redirect does notC) Response.Redirect needs roundtrip, Server.Transfer does notD) Server.Transfer can transfer user between 2 applicaions
Which of the following extension does a webservice file will have
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) .AsmxB) .AspxC) .AscxD) .Resx
What is the lifespan for items stored in viewstate
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) Exists for the Life of the current pageB) 20 minsC) 2 minsD) 2 sec
What is the significance of Server .MapPath
Skill/Topic: AdvancedA) Returns the physical file path that corresponds to virtual specified pathB) Returns the Virtual Path of the web folderC) Maps the specified virtual path to Physical pathD) None
ASP.NET Interview Questions