ASP.Net 2.0 and ASP.Net 3.5
What is the key difference between ASP.Net 2.0 and ASP.Net 3.5 Version.
Database and XML
When you already have database why do we use XML?
Reference and Instance
What is the difference between reference and instance?
Good ASP.NET Interview Questions.
Question: Can you define basic element of WebServices and explain any one from them?Answer: These are as follows SOAP, WSDL and UDDI. And I am explaining about the SOAP(Simple Object Access Protocol) it is a communication protocol it is for communication between application it is platform and language independent.It is based on XML and also help to get from Firwall.Explain functioning of Web Services...
Standalone to Web Application
How to convert a complete standalone application(windows forms) to an ASP.Net application?
Items Based Menu
How to Show or Hide Menu Items Based on User or Role?
DataGrid TextBox Width
How to reduce the width of textbox in EditCommandColumn of DataGrid?
Data Grid
How to Add new data grid on pre added data grid
XL Sheet Conversion
How to convert Web page to XL Sheet in ASP.Net
Web Page Namespace
What namespace does the Web Page belong to in the .NET Framework class hierarchy?
ASP.NET 1.x Migrate
Does every application done in ASP.NET 1.x need to be migrated to ASP.NET 2.0? If yes why and if not why not?
Retrieve Control Information
How to retrieve control information in content page by using JavaScript?
DateTime Picker in ASP.Net 2.0
How to create DateTime Picker in ASP.Net 2.0
C# and ASP code to insert data
How to write code for inserting data first to datagrid and then click on the save button to save in database.
Store Session IDs
How does ASP.NET store Session IDs by default?
Generic Functions
What are Generic Functions in ASP.NET?
Store Hit Count
How to store the hit count in the SQL Database using ASP.NET
Login Page
Create Login page and User table and tell that which users are online. Refresh it every minute, with or without Logout.
Paypal API in Application
How will you use Paypal API in your application?
Manage Number of Licenses
How will you manage number of licenses in any web application?
ASP.NET Interview Questions