Let us take an example:Total no.of Items = 50 (MAX-ITEM)Total no.of items per page = 8 (PG-ITEM)So, initially display should start with item number one. Whenever you come to the scroll screen display ...
Sukant Kumar Padhi
Mar 7th, 2006
To achieve the above goal you have to follow the steps as specified by soumya. i.e you have to use a TSQ to store the data. Along with that you can use three variables to keep track of 1: Total no. of...
Endevor is a Version Control Tool. Through this tool we can get the code from production side and do the changes in code. It will create a version for the changes program. Through that we can easily f...
Feb 8th, 2007
Endevour is a version control tool rite.
try to type TSO ENDVR....then you get 4 options
you may get more options depending on which type of tool your using
As a programmer, I always try not to use complicated logic. To answer your question:Ascending: Declare in COBOL as Access mode is sequential, then do a normal read.Descending:1. Repro file to a flat f...
The question is largely a thing of the past as there are mainframe operating systems currently running on laptops. These laptops are officially licensed by IBM and for all intents and purposes functi...
Mar 8th, 2007
AS/400 computers are not treated as Mini Computers. They are Mid Range computers.AS/400 has almost all the characteristics of a Mainframe computer. The Major difference being - AS/400 computers are ta...
To start with, lets consider sequential files to be simple. In the IO Section of the Environment Division, assign a sequential file which is the master file and in the Data Division include ...
It's is a simplest model for master process.creat was implement by insert employee record(write statement for VSAM and insert for DB2), update as the name(rewrite for VSAM and update for&nbs...
Sorry in the above post i have mentioned DISP=SHR for SORTOUT. But it should be DISP=(NEW, CATLG,DELETE) instead of DISP=SHRThanks & RegardSKarthikkumar.P
Both are nothing but flat files. You can use PGM=SORT in EXEC statement and in sysin you can use sort fields=copy. For example.//JOBNAME ....//STEP1  ...
Changeman is a version and configuration control software for Mainframe, which gives you (the standard) facilities like bundling the related components (programs, JCLs etc) of a release together, vers...
Dec 18th, 2006
Don't know about the file-manager - are you asking about the one which comes up with Window? If you get answer, please tell me too.Changeman is a Change and version control software for Mainframe - by...
The simple reason to this is DML operations can be done on a single table ,AND AS YOUR VIEW IS DERIVED FROM MORE THAN ONE TABLE ,SO IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DELETE.
At first, you need to bind your sub routine to translate them into load module.Secondly, code the interface parameter in linkage section of main program.At last, write a call statement to link the sub routine.
Oct 14th, 2006
You can run a subroutine by calling it through a main program.That you hav to define in the linkage section of the main program
after some research, I am going to retract my previous comment in lieu of another. If you really need to do this in COBOL, compile the program with the NODYN option. use the CALL Literal format ...
hi all,i am able to get a file in mainframe of rec len 80 as an attachment to my inbox ,but the same if i try to do with a file of rec len 1092 its giving max cc 0 but not transfering the file ,could u please suggest me something
Jul 7th, 2006
Objective: Converting a file with compress fields for another file with unpacked information, for a final FTP transfer to Windows environment.First is presented the file with the c...