DB2 Table Delete Question
Target table T1 is getting deleted. Table T2 has the foreign key. We require that whenever a row from T1 is deleted, the corresponding row from T2 also be deleted. Which option can be used? a.ON DELETE RESTRICTb.ON DELETE CASCADEc.ON DELETE SET NULLd.ON DELETE CHILDe.ON DELETE MATCHON DELETE CASCADE
DB2 Index Space
A index space contains: Multiple indexesSingle index onlyIndexes for a single tableThere is no concept of index space
Single index only -
A stored procedure has been built and deployed on the DB2 UDB server machine. What is the minimum software that must be installed to allow an application on the client to execute the stored procedure?
A stored procedure has been built and deployed on the DB2 UDB server machine. What is the minimum software that must be installed to allow an application on the client to execute the stored procedure? A. DB2 Runtime Client B. DB2 Personal Edition C. DB2 Administration Client D. DB2 Application Development Client
What is a cursor and what is its function?
An embedded sql statement may return a number of rows while the programming language can only access one row at a time. The programming device called a cursor controls the position of the row.
What is an alias and how does it differ from a synonym?
An alias is an alternative to a synonym, designed for a distributed environment to avoid having to use the location qualifier of a table or view. The alias is not dropped when the table is dropped.
Exec sql and End exec
why do we declare include in between exec sql and end exec and why cant we declare copybook in place of include. Is their any reason why we declare include only
Db2 pre-compiler
What is a db2 precompiler?
DB2 Index Storate Format
Indexes is Stored in 1 B - Tree format2 Hash Table3 AVL Tree4 Red Black Tree
B - Tree format -
DB2 Index and Table Space
I) Index Space are created automatically when Index are created. II) Table Space are created automatically when Tables are created. Of the above statementBoth are True( I ) is Only True( II) is only TrueBoth are False( I ) is Only True
DB2 transactions
Two or more transactions in a simultaneous wait state, each waiting for other to release before it can proceed, is calleda.Lost Updateuncommitted dependencyinfinite loopd.Deadlocke.With holdDeadlock
Which can duplicate the structure and related objects of a DB2 database table?
Which of the following can duplicate the structure and related objects of a database table? A. Copy table B. Alter table C. Export table D. Generate DDL
DB2 plans
How many DB2 plans can be connected to CICS region at a time? a). Infinite b). 1 c). Depends on CICS region definitions d). 255 e). None of the above
What is isolation level?
SQL statements may return any number of rows, but most host languages deal with one row at a time by declaring a cursor that presents each row at a unique isolation level.
What are some sql aggregates and other built-in functions?
The common aggregate, built-in functions are AVG, SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT and DISTINCT.
DB2 Interview Questions