DB2 Flavours
What are the flavours of DB2?
DB2 protocol information
When using DB2 Connect, which of the following commands specifies the protocol information on how to connect to the host or to the server? A. CATALOG DCS B. CATALOG NODE C. CATALOG DATABASE D. CATALOG ODBC DATA SOURCE
What is the significance of the cursor with hold clause in a cursor declaration?
The clause avoids closing the cursor and repositioning it to the last row processed when the cursor is reopened.
What is the purpose of the WHENEVER statement?
A54. The WHENEVER statement is coded once in the host program to control program actions depending on the SQL-CODE returned by each sql statement within the program.
When do you open cursor before Fetching
i) Cursor should always be Opened before Fetching ii) Fetch Operation cursor retrieves Only ONE row for every execution. Of the Statement.Which are true?1 Both are True2 i) is only True3 ii) is False Both are True
What is deadlock?
Deadlock occurs when transactions executing at the same time lock each other out of data that they need to complete their logical units of work. What are the four lockable units for DB2?
DB2 generate ddl
If, for a given table, the Control Center does not show the choice Generate DDL, which of the following describes the reason? A. The table is a system object. B. The table is a summary table. C. The table is in LOAD PENDING. D. The table is a replicated table. E. The table was created by a different user.
Generate DDL?
If, for a given table, the Control Center does not show the choice Generate DDL, which of the following describes the reason? A. The table is a system object. B. The table is a summary table. C. The table is in LOAD PENDING. D. The table is a replicated table. E. The table was created by a different user.
Which DB2 components allows references to Oracle and DB2 databases in a single query?
Which of the following DB2 components allows references to Oracle and DB2 databases in a single query? A. DB2 Query Patroller B. DB2 Warehouse Manager C. DB2 Relational Connect D. DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition
What is DBD ?
a.Database definitionb.Database descriptorc.Data buffer definitiond.Database dependencee.Direct buffer definitionDatabase descriptor
Which of the environments cannot access DB2
a.TSOb.CICSc.IMSd.BATCHe.All the above can access DB2.
All the above can access DB2. -
What does zero SQLCODE indicate
a.No rows were selected.b.DB2 not operationalc.SQL completed successfully.d.SQL cannot be executed because program not bound.e.No SQL statements were input.SQL completed successfully.
What kind of Database DB2 is ?
DB2 is aa.Database/Data Communication Systemb.Databasec.Relational Database Management Systemd.Programming Languagee.Operating systemRelational Database Management System
DB2 Interview Questions