How to import .xls format file using informatica
How to import a .xls as source into informatica.I want to import the data from two columns of a .xls sheet.
Why we use stored procedure transformation?
For populating and maintaining data bases.
XML Source and Target
Hi I'm working on XML files using them as source and target,I never worked on XML before. Did anyone worked on XML? If so could you please help me,its little bit urgent. I want to know how to import XML source definition and target definition and changes to be done etc...Thanks in advance...Arun.
Folder Access
Same machine is using more than one user at different time, how to identify whether an particular user used a folder or not
Server will be disconnected
Hi, Every thing is fine .But my problem is in work flow monitor the server will be disconnected.Even thought both oracle and informatica are running
What is the impact of versioning for an Informatica repository?
What is the impact of turning versioning on or off for an Informatica repository? What is the impact of versioning on an existing repository and the new repository, when adding a new repository to the repository server?Thanks, Deborah
Repository Backup
What is the extension used to store backup of repository?
Significant change in Version 8 of informatica
Hi all,I would like to know what are the key differences between PowerCenter 7 vs 8? Give one significant change version 8 is offering?
After draging the ports of three sources(sql server,oracle,informix) to a single source qualifier, can u map these three ports directly to target?
NO.Unless and until u join those three ports in source qualifier u cannot map them directly.
In a sequential batch can u run the session if previous session fails?
Yes.By setting the option always runs the session.
Delete Informatica repository
I am using Informatica 7.1.1, How to delete the existing repository, mappings?
Informatica Interview Questions