DataStage Transformer stage Server Jobs and Parallel Jobs
What is the difference between transformer stage in serverjobs and transformer stage in parallel job?
Data Sets and File Sets
Expalin difference between Data Sets and File Sets? where each one is used and how they are used?What is the size limit?
How will you determine the sequence of jobs to load into data warehouse?
First we execute the jobs that load the data into Dimension tables, then Fact tables, then load the Aggregator tables (if any).
Server transformer and Parallel transformer
Explain the difference between server transformer and parallel transformer
How good are you with your PL/SQL?
On the scale of 1-10 say 8.5-9
How to work with Repeating fields in Datastage?
I am working on Datastage. Can any body tell me how to work on repeating fields and multiple headers.
Surrogate key
What is the Disadvantage of surrogate key stage?
Debugging Stages
What is the purpose of Debugging stages? In real time Where we will use?
What is Pipeline Parallelism?
What is Pipeline Parallelism in Datastage?
Why you need Modify Stage?
When you are able to handle Null handling and Data type changes in ODBC stages why you need Modify Stage?
Sparse Lookup and Normal Lookup
What are the differences between Sparse Lookup and Normal Lookup?
Find table count in Datastage
How to find out individual counts for a particular table
Change capture
What is the difference between change capture and change apply stages
Transform XML file to sequential file
Using server job, how to transform data in XML file into sequential file?? i have used XML input, XML transformer and a sequential file.
DataStage Interview Questions