Output Index
What is output index? How does it work in reformat?Does below function show Output index in useoutput:1:if(in.emp.sal
Syntax for Year checking and Processing Date
I have a scenario like, I am getting a date field from input in MMDDYY format and I have to check for same year as processing year then I should pass "", else if the input date is to previous year to processing date and less than 0301 then I should pass Y.
How to check and process the date? -
Sort data using reformat
How can i sort the data using reformat component in Abinitio?
Normalize Index Value
How does the Index value come from in Normalize and when the vector element is not fixed length how does the length of() function in Normalize work
Abinitio Graphs
How will you test the abinitio graphs?
How to Join Data from Two Partitions of a Multifile in Abinitio..!
How to Join Data from Two Partitions of a Multifile in Abinitio..!
I have a multifile having 8 partitions.
I want to join partition 1 and partition4 data.
Could someone explain the approach for the above requirement?
Thanks in advance,
Srikanth -
Cummulative summary in AB Initio
How can I achieve cummulative sumary in AB Initio other than using SCAN component. Is there any inbuilt function available for that?
Generate Sequence Number in a Multifile.
How to generate sequence number in a multifile using next_in_sequence().
Graph Perfomance
I have a serial graph with below sequence:
i/p -> sort(key1)->rollup(key1)->sort(key2)->rollup(key2)->normalise->o/p.
How do we improvise this graph? -
How to Seperating the header and trailor records from the input file?
If you have one input file it have some thousands of records then how to Seperating the header and trailor records from the input file?
What is differrence between multifile and adhoc files?
Could you please explain me in details differences between Multi File s and Adhoc Files ?
Thanks in Advance. -
Decrease Graph Execution Time
I have 10 million records in one file, if I develop a graph with this file, it takes more time to be executed, but I want to decrease the execution time. How can you proceed?
Input file ----100 records.
a) Using a rollup,how many records will you get?
b) How can I get more than 100 records?
c) How can I get 1 record?
How to find which schema using in our project?
How to find the schema either Star or Snowflake Schema in our project?
How many input files?
With open a graph how should we know how many input files are using in that graph?
Abinitio Interview Questions