If I will pass Null key to Join components, then what will be output?
If I am having two table- customer and transaction. I am having 100 rows and 10 columns and I want to perform the join with NULL key, then how much output records I will get?
Sorting Alphanumeric Values
I have fields like a10 b20 c123
If we give numeric value (any number) as key in sort component, what would be the expected result?
Do we get a sorted order? or Does the sort component spits an error?
Data Loading Table Mode
If data is still loading into table what mode will you use to see the data?
Find Corrupted Record in Multifile
How to find a corrupted record in Multi file and how to correct the data if you know the correct value?
How to recover a control file that is removed using rm ?
Instead of m_ filename if we do a rm filename by mistake and want to recover that control file, how do we do it? can it be done using a checkpoint, if yes how and is there another way?
Rollup Process
If a file contains 100 records and in that 5 depts. If I use rollup to process that file, How many time rollup will be called and how many times finalize will be called?
Not Selecting Lookups Record
I have data like below.
source file:
EmpID sal
A 1000
B 2000
C 3000
D 4000
Lookup File
Output File
C 3000
D 4000
I want empId, sal of employees those not present in lookup file -
Multifiles with Join
What is behavior of join with multifiles if I use Join via common key in both files and if the key is different what is the result?
Design Documents
What are HLD and LLD documents? What do they contain?
Installation of Ab Initio in Windows
HI,I've installed GDE 2.8 on windows Xp,and our database running as oracle9i,how do we install co-operating system... and on the same machine informatica server& client also running.does it matter of informatica software exists where abinitio gonna installed...pls do let me know the steps of installation process of Abinitio.Thanks,SindhuReddy
Phase verses Checkpoint
Difference between a phase and checkpoint as far as i know it something related with how temporary files containing the data landed to disk is handled.that is phases are used to break up a graph so that it does not use up all the memory , it reduce the no of component running in parallel hence improves the performances (used for performance fine tuning, by managing the resource in perfect manner)Check...
Dependency Analysis
What is Dependency Analysis? Why it is done? Example with an example?
To connect same graph having 2 phases but to run in different database
Can you please help me to understand how to connect to belonging to different database
1) How can we create have 2 dbc in same environment (Here users are different so think it would be easy to have dbc as its same server(IP))
2) What if the server are different machine how can we connect same abintio instance. -
Sorting using reformat component in Abinitio
Can i sort the data using reformat component in Abinitio, If yes,Then how?
Metadata level programming
How can we do metadata level programming in dml itself to remove blank lines from a file
ETL Extract and Loading Strategies
What are extract and loading in strategies in ab inito and with what components we extract and load the data?
Ab inito on Hadoop
Which version of ab inito works with hadoop with push down mechanism (Job gets executed on hadoop). Describes how it works.
Ab Initio - Counting Records
Using ROLLUP in Ab Initio, need to count the number of sites for each account e.g.
Input file:
SiteId, AcctId, Address
675765, 1, Smit Street
768768, 2, Orange Road
767876, 1, New Road
989898, 1, Jones Street
878787, 3, Ele Lodge
118768, 2, Red Street
AcctId, NoOfSites
1, 3
2, 2
3, 1
Abinitio Interview Questions