Data Modelling and Data Warehouse Experience
Tell me about your data modelling and data warehouse experience as a tester in your previous project?
Seperate Header & Tailer & Body
How to separate the header & body & tailer without indicator, without using dedupsort & nest_in_sequence?
Can transfer function of a system be equal to its homogeneous solution?
Transform the following differential equation into a transfer function and find the homogeneous solution to the differential equation from the transfer function
Describe collage as system?
Describe your university or college as a system.
What is the input?
What is output?
What is the boundary?
What is the components and their relationship?
The constraint
The environment
Draw a diagram of this system
Logical Database design
Discuss how you would use Storage structures mainly the tablespaces, Database Security features, Oracle Net services to logically manage what users can do or not to the database. Assume you would want to achieve partial database availability to different users at some times so that whilst some users can be able to access the database you disable some group from using the database or just change what...
Client Dependent table
What are the values given to the Field name,Data element and Type of a table to make it as a client dependent ?
Spiral Model and Risk Analysis
Specify and explain examples of the types of projects that benefit and the types of projects that suffer from the regular placement of risk analysis within the Spiral Model.