Query not returning any value?
What are the steps to take when the query will not return any value?
Difference Between ForEach and ForALL ?
Hi Everyone, Can you please tell me what is the difference between ForEach and ForAll (In BO Reporter), and give examples of when they are needed ?. Much appreciated !.Thanks in advance,Veronica
@aggregate aware function
What is the purpose of @aggregate aware function?please draw, how you use the @aggregate aware function.
BO Data Providers
when we use 2 data providers, and each data provider contains different universe,when we merge these two universes in a report with some common dimension, then what will be the result of the report with that merging dimension and one measure from one universe and one dimension from other universe?Eg: Universe1 and Universe2 say merging dimension is d1 and measure m1 from universe1 and...
What is Broad casting Agent?
what is it used and what are the steps to follow BCA??
Business Objects Interview Questions