Query not returning any value?

What are the steps to take when the query will not return any value?

Questions by mahesh17   answers by mahesh17

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Jan 2nd, 2008

1. If you have a SQL analyzer, then find out if there is data tobe returned from the database.
2. If there is data, try removing one condition at a time from the query and find out if it returns data. When the query start returning data - the last removed condition mostly likely caused a no -data  retrieval issue.
3. Check the object definition in universe. that might offer some clues.
4. IF the report does not return data after removing all the conditions, start by removing the measures one at a time and then the dimension object. Somewhere along the line, the report will return data. From this point start adding back and filter out the objects which cause the no-data retrival issue. Work on these objects separetely.
5. It is always a good idea to check the SQL generated everytime, so that you can avoid - synchronization, join path issues and context issues.

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