Multiple data cubes for one report?

If we create a document from 2 documents or from 2 universes, can any one explain if the new document will have multiple data cubes or not?

Questions by mahesh17   answers by mahesh17

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Jan 2nd, 2008

You will have a data cube for each query in your BO document. So, if you have 2 dataproviders based on a different universe, you will have two datacubes.
Your other part of the question
"If we create a document from 2 documents" does not make sense

You can get data from tow different universe and create a single report, provided there are common dimensions between the two datasets.

1) Create New Report -> Create one universe -> Select objects say Processingmonth, Customer id, Total Salary Amount in SGD

2) Then Tools -> Insert new table -> Select another universe , select objects say Processing Month, Customer id , Total No of Days.

3) Goto the data manager, then click on the Procesing month from first query, Click on the link to button and link it to the second querys processing month. Similaryly link the customer ids aswell.

4) Then you can create a report joining the  Total Salary amount and Total No of days.

Pls note  joining microcube will give sensible results only if there are common dimensions.

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