Petrol and Diesel
Why are petrol and diesel are most popular among fuels used in I.C. engine?
Bike Gear
While riding bike in 5th gear at speed around 70-80 km/hr. suppose by any means the speed decreases such as break, but keeping the gear on 5th. Engine of the bike stops. Why? Explain.
Engine Power
What does unit PS for the engine power means?
Frictional Force
What is the difference between tractive force and frictional force? Which one drives the vehicle? What are the directions of the forces with respect to the wheel?
Pump and Air Compressor Bearings
Name the different types of Bearing?what type of bearing used in Pumps?What type of bearing used in Air compressor?
Stress Concentration
What is Stress Concentration? Give numerical examples.
Hardest Material
Which is the hardest material in the earth?
Battery Discharge
How can loose terminals of the battery in the automobile cause discharging?
Rotating Objects
Why do objects rotating with more speed appearing to be stationary and sometimes appearing as rotating in the opposite direction?
Black Tyres
Why tyres are ever made black?
Engine Gear Box
Gear box is for power transmission, then why cant we give a small gear box for big engine and vice versa?
Disc Brake
Why do most of the vehicle have disc brake only in the front axle?
Barriers and Tunneling
What are Barriers and Tunneling?
Engine Test
How to find the max load of the engine?
Pump Displacement
Explain What is positive and non-positive displacement?
Reversible / Cyclic Process
What is the difference between reversible process and cyclic process in thermodynamics?
Stagnation Property
What is stagnation property? What are its assumptions?
Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions