Gear Ratio
How gear ratio helps in power variation?
Car Parked in Sloped Area
Why vehicle does not move when its gear is applied though parked in slope area?
0 Degree Centigrade
Water freezes at 0 degree centigrade, Ice melts at 0 degree centigrade. How can both be true?
Isotrphic, Isentrophic, Entrophy and Enthalphy
What is the meaning of isotrphic, isentrophic, entrophy and enthalphy?
Engine Coolant
Can we use the same coolant for cooling I.C. engine as well as for machining purposes? Why or why not?
DTS I Type Engines
In DTS I type engines, What will be time delay for 2nd spark produced to the 1st?
Vanadium in HSS
What is the use of Vanadium in High Speed Steels?
Calorific Value
What is Petrol Calorific Value?
ATFT Technology
What is ATFT Technology used in Honda Hunk?
Air Scooper
What are the uses of air scooper?
Ethanol Fuel Tank
Why ethanol fuel tank is not used in automobile for increasing efficiency?
Diesel and Petrol Engines
Why diesel engines are called as high torque engines and petrol engines as high speed engines?
Laws of Thermo Dynamics
State the laws of Thermo dynamics.
Cooling Tower
How can we decide the height for cooling tower?
Increase Boiler Efficiency
How we can increase the efficiency of boiler without creating any effort?
Inspection Equipment
What is the minimum set of inspection equipment which we have to keep at site to inspect blasting and painting?
DIN Standards
What are DIN Standards?
Involute / Cycloidel gear
Is involute or cycloidel gear best and generally used in industry? Give Reason.
Manufacturing T-Joint
How can we manufacture T-joint from a cylinder with minimum material removal rate?
Alternate Propulsion Technologies
What are the propulsion technologies used in automobiles other than I.C. engines?
Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions