Hydrogen Cylinder Position
Why do we place hydrogen cylinder horizontal position rahter than vertical position?
Iron Carbide
Why Iron Carbide diagram can be established upto 6.67% only? What are structure beyond 6.67% carbon.
Water Freezing Point
When salt is added to water, what happens to its freezing point?
Turkey Red Oil
What is Turkey Red Oil? Where it is used and How it can be formed?
Material Characteristics
What are the major characteristics of a metal which distinguishes itself from any other metal?
Steel Alloy
How does Chromium improve property of Steel when added as an alloy element?
Analysis of Ammonium Thiosulphate
Ammonium Thiosulphate is impurity in Ammonium Bi Sulphite. Outline a proper and accurate method of testing this impurity.
S Sub-Shell
Why 'S' sub-shell has a spherical structure?
Solid Angle
What is the solid angle?
Water Density
What is the density of water at 0C?
Capillary Action
How does actual Capillary Action takes place?
What is Pointage in Chemistry?
Discuss the important properties of solvent used in LEACHING.
Explain me what is floudas in detail?
Chemical Engineering Interview Questions