Cricket riddle

Question: 3 runs required is 3 balls to win the match only on wicket left,the batsman is on 97 and runner on 98. how will both batsman score centuries as well as win the match?

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

suresh rai

  • Mar 17th, 2015

1st ball 3 runs but 1short deducted next ball 4

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Bharat Raj

  • Mar 28th, 2015

1) 3 balls left. The batsmen intentionally waste a lot of time. The umpire gives out a warning to the batting side.
2) Ball is bowled, batsman who was in strike (97*), scores a double. 2 balls left, one run to win. Individual scores are 99* & 98.
3) Batsmen intentionally waste more time before next ball. Umpire takes notice of this and awards 5 penalty runs to fielding side. 2 balls, 6 runs to win.
4) Batsman who was in strike(99) scores 3 runs. He reaches 102 and goes off strike and celebrates century. 1 ball remaining, 3 runs needed. Individual scores are 98* & 102.
5) Batsman in strike could score 3/4/6 , complete century and win the match as well.
Rules of cricket: Law 42 -- (10) (b) (i)

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