What is defect tracking?

What is actual meaning of defect tracking? Is there any difference between defect tracking and defect loging. I need practical answer.

Questions by ektakharade   answers by ektakharade

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Jun 24th, 2014

Defect tracking - it is tracking of a issue or a defect found right from  logging into the tool throughout the defect cycle when it is in various stages .New -Assigned -Open-Test- verified-Closed or Open-Rejected/Deferred/ Duplicate.
Defect logging-  It is nothing but finding a issue or a defect and logging it into the defect tracking tool .

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  • Jul 2nd, 2014

Defect tracking covers all stages of a bug life cycle such as logging the defect in a defect database, assign that defect to respective developer, analyze the root cause of the defect, fixing the defect in the software, testing the new software, integrating the change in main stream software and performing the system testing to make sure the new change in the software to fix that bug hasn’t broken any other part of the code, final review and then closing the defect in the database. This complete process is called as defect tracking.

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