Replay the script without browser in VUGen

Hi All,
I have come across a hypothetical scenario while using VUGen 9.5 (LR Component for recording script).

Scenario is:

1. I have recorded a script using VUGen ( v9.52)on a machine for a web J2EE application.

2. In Run-Time settings-- > Browser Emulation, settings are 1. User Agent: Use custom browsers (Mozilla, IE8,), 2. Simulate browser cache (checked), 3. Download Non-HTML resources(checked)

3. I have replayed it successfully on the same machine.

4. Now I have to run the same script on a different machine using VUGen where browser is not installed.

I above scenario:

Will I be able to run the script successfully?

If I am able to replay it successfully what will happen to Browser Emulation settings?

Please let me know your valuable comments.


Manoj Pathak

Questions by manojkpathak82

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Aug 20th, 2015

What I think is, you will be able to run the script successfully even though there is no browser installed in the machine. Browser emulation contains basic elements of the browser only, the results need not to be as good the other one. Please share if you have different opinion.

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Suresh Kasi

  • Jul 2nd, 2017

I think, It will work fine. Because in loadrunner simulate new browser. Whenever replay the script it will open new browser even not installed browser in your local machine.
Any have suggestion pls share us.


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