Why is c considered as a high level language and a low level language?

Questions by chidinma ojialor

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C is a high-level language because it abstracts away a large part of the underlying machine; instead of dealing with registers and opcodes, youre dealing with objects and expressions. Streams are abstractions of communications channels, pointers are abstractions of memory addresses, etc. However, Cs abstractions are fairly basic; you still have to be aware of limitations on memory, you have to be aware of how types and operations may be mapped onto the underlying hardware, and you have to be aware that some aspects of the language are left to the individual implementation (compiler or interpreter) to define.

C makes you *think* youre working at the hardware level, even though you arent in most cases.

Compare this with languages like Haskell or Lisp, where theres no hint of an underlying hardware platform; types are not limited by what an individual platform can represent (as opposed to C), there are no obvious constraints on memory (until performance begins to suffer, anyway).

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Satt Crypt

  • Oct 16th, 2013

Here the 1st answer is 22 and second is 15 because in case of ++a + ++a + ++a then 1st increment then addition let temp=(++a + ++a)==7+7=14 and then ++a =14+8=22
and for 2nd case 5+5+5=15.

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