how to test the video chat or testcase for video chat

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Nov 7th, 2013

1. Verify the Audio & visual of the chat.
2. Verify by inviting more that 2-3 person into the chat.
3. Verfiy the resolution of chat window into the different screen e.g. Projector,laptop n desktop..
4.Maximize and minimize the frequency of audio.
5. Disconnect 1 or 2 user in between the video chat.
6.Add a new user in between the chat.
7.Change the screen size in between the video chat.
8.Multitasking in between the video chat.

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Raja Nepolion Nandy

  • Jul 25th, 2014

Test case scenarios:
1. Video calling icon should display when another users are online with webcam.
2. Clicking on video calling icon should connect to the particular person with calling ring tone and callers name.
4. Video resolution should good in all browsers and resolutions.
5. video calling should start with sound enabled automatically.
6. Video can be mute for temporary but Sound can be played. (And vice versa)
7. Reconnect to user is possible in low network or quick disconnect/ connect of wifi connection.
8. Chat/ text can be done along with the video calling.
9. Joining / removing more people into same chat is possible.
10. If one person is disconnecting the chart then the connection should not get fail with other persons.
11. When main caller will close the chat, then it should disconnect from all the persons.
12. Video recording / sound recording functionality is working fine during video chat.
13. Mute/ un-mute to sound functionality is working fine.
14. Video calling window should be maximize / minimize.
15. User should use other functionality of PC/ laptop / mobile, during the video call.
16. Screen should divide and display all the persons pics when the video call made for multiple persons. And disconnect with person should remove the screen allocation for him/ her.
17. If the person is not accepting the call request, then the call log should generate and should appear to the called person.
18. Functionality should work fine with diff OS / devices & Networks.
19. And so more...............


  • Oct 13th, 2014

1. First E-mail is or account should be login.
2. All user should be display on-line.
3. Green dot should be visible when user is active or red mark for off line status.
4. During connecting each other ring tone should be ring.
5. Video chat regulation should be compatible according to all screen.
6. Video chat should be connect or disconnect.
7. All online user should be display in list.

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  • Mar 23rd, 2015

But what is the process to validate these steps?

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