What do you do when a team member does not complete his/her assignment and has gone to another project?

Questions by jogendersingh

Showing Answers 1 - 16 of 16 Answers

Amit Chauhan

  • Sep 3rd, 2012

When any team member does not complete his/her work and switch to another project then Project manager needs to analyze , there should be two aspects either he/she is not so much skilled to complete the assigned task or due to the team/project environment he/she does not wants to complete the assignment.
In first situation PM needs to win his/her confidence and arrange technical/functional training for the team members and appraise him/her for small achievements.

In second situation PM needs to find out the condition with in the team/project which is creating such impact with in the team members and try to resolve the conflicts and speak to him/her regards the uncomfortable situation.


  • Sep 13th, 2013

You can not have control on him as his authority has change. All you can do, assign the task to some one in team after analyzing its impact.

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Phani Kumar Simhadri

  • Nov 6th, 2013

As a Project Manager, its your responsibility to have proper backup/transition plan in place. If a team member need to move to another project then we have to make sure that he completes all of his pending tasks in the current assignment before he leaves. Once he leaves, then the person who took the KT should be responsible to complete the remaining.


  • Jul 4th, 2014

Before releasing from the project KT must have happened and after fully satisfied the team member must be released.

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Mohann Kumar

  • Jul 17th, 2014

His current PM should be contacted to get KT done to handover/release the manpower. If the people try to get out of the project we should not bother to take them back. At the same time, unless he justifies his act, he should be inquired about this unethical act to ensure that he is not in any project so the people refrain from doing such unpleasant activities

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  • Jul 24th, 2014

The scenario is not very clear. It may be the company wants that because of some critical reason or intentionally the resource has not worked because of various reasons.
In first case, the project manager needs to evaluate the pending work on (KT timeline, technology and functional expertise required) and manage with the resources what are available with him.

Appreciation is the main motivation factor including the personal repo to some extent with the resources. you have to pursue the resource and make sure that he will complete the maximum work and provide the KT who is going to work in place of him.

And if this is not the case i.e. if you are not getting the required support from the departing resource, don't depend on resource take the alternative strategy to complete the work and this depends on various factors.

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  • Sep 18th, 2014

Generally as a PM, they need to remove the dependency by conducting the KT sessions as well as frequently ask the team for TDD from Dev and Test cases from QA. So when ever it is immediate movement based on the project then PM can discuss with RMG or another PM for the situation. I think this is sufficient as per my experience....

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  • Feb 11th, 2015

It is a risk occurred in my project. As a PM I would have executed mitigation plan. Now look at the work remaining to complete and any new risk when new resource working on it who is assigned for the work.

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