Jmeter Testing tool

I am logging in as 100 user using Jmeter tool. Do I need to send all the threads to the server with different Username and Password?
How is it working???

Questions by mfsi_chinmayb   answers by mfsi_chinmayb

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Mar 13th, 2012

No need login with diff username and password

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There arises two case
As you can login to your application with same credential from different browser from the same machine .So we can do for 100 users with the same credentials if we want to check the server tolerance label.
To make it mpore realistic we can provide different User-name and Password using RegExp extractor.

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  • Nov 20th, 2013

Its better to use different username and password for each session. In addition I would suggest to add at least HTTP Cookie Manager ( to ensure that each user has its own session. Optionally you can make your tests more "realistic" by adding following JMeter Configuration elements:

1. Add HTTP Header Manager - to set different headers like User-Agent, Accept-Language, etc. - what real browser does
2. Add HTTP Cache Manager - to simulate browser cache
3. Make sure that "Retrieve all embedded resources" property of HTTP Sampler is checked - to simulate parsing css, images, scripts, etc.
4. Make sure that "Use concurrent pool" is enabled and has size from 2 to 5 threads - as browsers download embedded stuff asynchronously in several threads
5. Make sure that you filter out external domains in "URLs must match" field - you unlikely want to load test Google Analytics or external banners or whatever

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