Why we are using OOPS?

Questions by narendra_d

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We use oops as it supports unique concepts such as classes and objects.Oops handles concepts such as Data Encapsulation & Data Hiding, it also involves Inheritance and Polymorphism.By using oops the programmer can ensure that his code is not accessed by using Access specifiers like protected,private etc.It enhances program modularity since each object exists independently. .C++,java are eg of OOPS


  • Oct 26th, 2012

OOPS is nothing but object oriented programming language, nothing but pure java objects . Here we are creating the object inside the class.It provides the set of features included Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction , Encapsulation. These features are accessed through only objects. (ie., objects are created in our classes and implement the mechanism for the features , we can access all the methods and variable through the objects only)

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Let us consider C language, it is Procedure Oriented Language. If we see the C language is introduced in the year of 1972, at that time there is no JAVA or C++(Remember C++ is also Object Oriented Language). At that time we started preparing software for small applications, So for that we are following this Procedure Oriented Language only. When the code is small(I mean for simple applications) then there is no problems. After that people started preparing big chunks of code and we are calling the tasks by using functions. Program size is becoming big, After some time it is very difficult to debug the issues. It became nightmare to C developers.

There after C++ is introduced into the market. C++ is a object oriented language.

What is the advantage for the developers ??

After C++ came into the picture, then developers started preparing programs in Object Oriented Programming style. Means for example if they got any new project saying like, there is one Flower sales person. He is selling different types of flowers in his shop. He wants to know how many flowers are selling in a day and types of flowers and their count. This is just an example.

Here as a OOP developer what he will thinks is he considers first all the flowers as one group crates a class for that. Just think here he is considering that all the flowers as one object and after that he is going to create a new class for the remaining flowers means each flower one class. After that he instantiates the object of the class and try to make there objects to interact each other.

This way he is going to write the program. I didn't explained everything but try to think in your own way, So that can understand so easily.

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mukesh jha

  • Aug 8th, 2013

OOPS  stands for object oriented programming .

They are  

1. Abstraction
2. Encapsulation
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism

Abstraction is representation of  some property without
giving background details  or explanation 

Encapsulation is hiding property and behavior allowing 
authorize access .

Inheritance is  acquiring property of one object by another object.

Polymorphism is  characteristic to acquire different characteristic in  different context. 

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Before introducing OOPS some other concepts are also introduced into the computer world, for example Procedure Oriented Language(The best example for this is C language) but these concepts are working fine if the task is very simple. If we are trying to implement complex tasks then managing such big tasks with POP(Procedure Oriented Programming) is very difficult and we don't have inheritance, polymorphism , encapsulation in POP but those are available in OOPS which makes developers life simple to work on complex tasks also.

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