What are the career opportunities available for MCA Graduates?

Now that we live in the age of information technology, there is a world of opportunities waiting for MCA graduates like you. Although understandably, you might be apprehensive about your future considering that workforce competition can be quite stiff, you need not worry as long as you plan your career ahead of time.

You need not be scared of not being able to find a job. I’m here to help you. I suggest that you take a moment to learn some helpful tips and insights outlined in this section so that you will not have any problems in finding your dream job.

Career Options for MCA Graduates

As an MCA graduate, you possess excellent computer skills and the ability to develop or create computer applications, understand and utilize various computer languages, as well as provide maintenance and repair to different types of applications, among others. With these technical skills, you would surely find employment in the following positions:

  • Software engineer
  • Software developer or programmer
  • Project manager
  • Web applications developer
  • Web designer
  • Computer application consultant

These jobs are considered high-paying jobs that could help you earn somewhere between $30,000 and $75,000 per annum, depending on your years of experience and skill level.

A computer programmer with a degree in MCA who has been working for 10 years could earn as much as $72,000 annually in the United States, whereas an entry-level MCA graduate who has just been recently employed would probably start earning around $30,000 per year.

How to Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired

Job applicants with an educational background in the IT field are very much in demand. However, you must also keep in mind that there are many people just like you, who are also armed with a degree in MCA, Computer Science, and IT, among others. If you want to find employment, you need to do the following:

  • Make sure you apply for the job that you really want. Career planning is very important so before you even start looking for a job, you need to decide on what kind of job you want to apply for based on your skills and interest.
  • You need to create an impressive resume. You must make sure that your resume will showcase your skills, talents, and achievements to convince potential employers that you are good candidate for the job.
  • Prepare for your job interview. Preparation and planning are important. Think and prepare for the possible questions that will be asked during the interview, and practice answering them on your own.
  • Be confident during the interview. You must prove to your interviewer that you are the right candidate for the job, so when giving answers, speak confidently and clearly.

Now that you know what jobs you can apply for as an MCA graduate, make sure to follow the tips provided above so that you can be on your way to building a solid career. Good luck

Showing Comments 1 - 75 of 150 Comments


  • Sep 22nd, 2011

Gud morning mam .I have done msc-It,Mca in 2011 like to know what should be the direction of my career


  • Sep 22nd, 2011

Mam, I am doing MCA 2nd year still now don't have the knowledge for my career. which field is very help for me.. but am interested in java and database ..so what are the steps for developing my career..pls


  • Sep 22nd, 2011

I have completed MCA in 2010 .but I can not find job so pls tell me how to get the job easily.... I am very nerves ... I gave 20 interview but I am not success


  • Sep 22nd, 2011

Mam I am just completed my graduation in information tech,I want to know which is more import for me go for 3 year MCA or go for job and get 3 year experience?


  • Sep 22nd, 2011


I am Mohan I am MCA Post graduated bcs of recession I couldn't get IT job, So that I get experienced in Teaching Field, Is this possible can switch over my Career into IT field now,Please tell me some Idea what is possible to Enter into IT Sectors.


  • Sep 22nd, 2011

What is the better Course Is it MBA or MCA?


  • Sep 22nd, 2011

Just completed MCA not getting a job what should I do to get job.


  • Sep 22nd, 2011

Im pursuing MCA after completes my MCA what to do.


  • Sep 22nd, 2011

My education is Bsc(agri) and MCA. which is the best IT course or career. I have done MCA 5 years back and into teaching till now.


  • Sep 22nd, 2011

Hello maam, I have done MCA in 2010. These days I am doing a course in java. What are the opportunities for 2010 passouts, as I am not getting any call letter. If there any good consultancy, do let me inform . Please help me out?



Hello Mam,
How are you?
Mam, I have completed MCA in july 2011.I am searching job in software company but the companies required only experience candidate what should i do? please give me valuable suggestion.
Thanks Mam.
Have a nice day



I have completed MCA 2011,
what about freshers calls for MCA?



I have completed MCA in 2010 .but I can not find job
so pls tell me how to get the job easily....
I am very nerves ...
I gave 20 interview but not success



what about mca 2011 freshers jobs?



mam,im a mca final year student,could you tell me what skills are requried be a device deiver programing?


  • Feb 3rd, 2012

I have 2 years experience in Oracle 10g Programming. Now I am on break. I want to utilize this time for doing certification.

I am interested in Database Administration or Testing. Please guide me in certifications that are in demand for either and that will help me find a good job. Also ,please tell me in which of the above may i have a better scope switching to?

Anil Kumar

  • Dec 5th, 2012

I am pursing mca .Now this is my last semester and in this semester my training will be doing.
In what languages i have done my six month training and what good computer languages
to get a job easily


  • Dec 6th, 2012

I have done MCA 2007. I have 2 years experience in Java Programming. Now I am on break. I want to utilize this time for doing certification.

I am interested in Database Administration or software engineering. Please guide me in certifications that are in demand for either and that will help me find a good job. Also, please tell me in which of the above may I have a better scope switching to?

Ranjeet Kumar Raushan

  • Apr 20th, 2013

Dear Sir/Maam,

I have just completed MCA. I am working in Automotives Company, because of money problem, But I want to join in IT company. What should i do.


  • May 14th, 2013

Sir/Madam I have done B.Sc(Bio) and MCA(2007) and also D.Y.N.S. Now I am teaching in a U.P.(govt) but want a job in delhi and I want to utilize my education. D.O.B.25/08/79...

zainul abid

  • Aug 19th, 2013

sir/madam, i am a MCA final year student having under graduation in mathematics ,i want to know what skills are i needed for competing with computer science students...give me valuable suggestions..?


  • Oct 18th, 2013


I am working in the MNC and pursuing the final semester from IGNOU MCA. I am good in Database and good reviewing skills. My current profile is just reviewing the work done by other person in the team. I am not satisfied because my profile is not matched with my interest. Please assist me.. I am not sure where i have to go testing or PL/SQL Developer.



  • Oct 23rd, 2013

Hi Madam, I completed my MCA 2009 passed out. I couldnt get a job in IT field due to recession and some health
problems. Currently I am working in a college as Technical Assistant for 1 year 6 months. please guide me to get a job to lead a wealthy life


  • Nov 4th, 2013

I am a MCA postgraduate degree holder who passed out in this yr 2013 jul. I am looking for a job but i am not getting any IT related calls from past 4-5 months i am feeling so helpless in this situation... I am so worried about my career please suggest me tat wat shud i do.... I must get into a IT job which my makes my career in good way....

meenakshi verma

  • Nov 13th, 2013

i have completed my engineering in electronics & communication in 2010,after that i didnt get job anywhere.now i want to do mtech from a reputed institute after an educational gap of three years,so that i could get placed in a good company..my question is should i go for mtech or not,will it give me a new hope or not??please help me out here...


  • Jan 13th, 2014

Hello mam i hd completed BCA and nw i m doin coressponding course of MCA what kind of skills i can develop to increase my chances of getting hired...


  • Feb 20th, 2014

i have completed mca 2013 passout ,still i didnt get job as a fresher cbz of cutoff parcentage...i have less thn 50% in puc nd sslc, nd i have more thn 61,63 im graduatin nd post gradtion,,,,,bt mny of thm are looking throught ...so wt cn i do....
"I HAVE INTEREST IN DATA BASE COURSES ,BT CHOOSING IS VERY CONFUSION TO JOIN THE COURSE...so which course i do to get job as a fresher...mam, pls suggest me


  • Feb 26th, 2014

mam/sir i was just completed my mca 5th semister iam wating for my project but i have no knowledge for any programming languages so please mention me which material will help for learning java programming

sushil sadangi

  • Mar 3rd, 2014

Hello, i hv done MCA in 2013, but befor that i have complited GNIIT(Software engineering) in 2010 and placed in a IT company as a Senior IT analyst.Basically my profile is giving support to the devlopment team.I am very much interest to work on oracle,SQL server database field but i cant decided that what should be the right option.is there any profile which dont have to make query or writting code.Because i dont have interest to write code.My question is is there any profile for which i have to not write code but that should be related to a DBA profile....Thanks,Sushil


  • Apr 8th, 2014

Hello Mam,

I am passed out MCA in the year 2012 with 86% and Bsc computer science as my Undergraduate with 70%. . Am in a dilemma whether to get into IT or in teaching field.. Which will be a better choice I cant able to guess. I dint get any IT job since they are asking for experience letter so just worked as teacher. .So please give me a valuable suggestion. If I want to get into It job what is the possibilities. What type of language I want to study for getting in to IT. So please mam just clear my confusion which field will be a better one..

Waiting for your response.
Thank you,
Indira Priyadharsini.G


  • Apr 8th, 2014

I am not interested in programming but iam interested in computers iam doing mca 2 semester how i can develop and creative new invention and whats course learn pls tel me mam


  • May 12th, 2014

I, had completed MCA which certification courses should i do to get hired in mncs plz help me out......


  • Jun 1st, 2014

mam i completed my bsc with pcm now i perusing mca 2ndyear please show path for my future


  • Jul 28th, 2014

Hello Mam,
Good evening,
Mam, I currently in MCA IInd Year help me for the decision of...Which language choice for specialization purpose...
or What is Right Career path..
Please give mi reply

Disha Kulkarni

  • Aug 5th, 2014

I am a software engineer worked in companies like wipro, Mindtree for about 8 years. I am in a career break from last 6 years because of some personal issues. During the break, I was closely following up my daughters studies who is in 9th std. Now I feel I am pretty school level concepts as many other students ask me to conduct tutions. What is the future of tution/ coaching if I take this as career after the break? I feel this is less tension compared to software industry and I enjoy company of small children. Let me know how to go-ahead with this.

padmini koka

  • Sep 26th, 2014

Hello mam
I have completed MCA in 2007 .but I can not find job so pls tell me how to get the job easily.... I am very nerves ... I gave 20 interview but I am not success and also I learned some computer courses like oracle and weblogic and which one is the best portal. Can I learn SAP


  • Nov 25th, 2014

Hello Mam,

After my MCA in 2005 i could not search for job as fresher for 1-2 years after that i did work in 2 companies, for 6 months each(1 year). Then i got married and was planning to change my career from java to either SAP or Testing. So, i did both the courses. But I conceived and also becoz of family and health issues i was a house wife. But, now after almost 7-9 years i want to work in Testing (Manual and QTP) . I have very good exposure to the above said technologies. Please, guide me through. Presently i am in Bangalore.


  • Dec 25th, 2014

hello sir/mam, i completed my mca and am working in a small organization. am not satisfied with my job. how can i approach to get a better placement.


  • Feb 15th, 2015

Hi Sir/Mam,
Please clear my confusion in following, I completed my B.sc(MECS) in 2009, joined MCA in the same year i also cleared MAT with 75% got top colleges call letters bcoz of financial prob not went into B-school and joined MCA and bcoz of continuous health issues i could not make complete of my MCA, my actual passing year is 2012 but passed in 2014 aftr clearing all backlogs bcoz of financial prob i went into job by Degree and had 1yr bpo exp. My actual question is wat are my chances of getting job in IT i have 60% throughout and wat should i consider as my passing year 2012 or 2014. Please someone help me out


  • Mar 5th, 2015

Here i am not questioning i am just make my review here... that now IT fields have too much crowd so we cant get the valuable job in that field so... be honest about your career and if you cant see your career in this field then change that field.... and have a take up the way of grow your self.
this is the right time to be think about career and if you dont think now about that then one day you will think that i have made big mistake of my life so be honest your self and change the field and pick up a new valuable field which you like most.
its not important that what people said about us . it is important that what we think about us.


  • Mar 17th, 2015

Hi , i have completed my MCA in 2014 from IGNOU university and unemployed. I would like to grow my career in technology programming and development. Kindly suggest me which course would provide growth in my career and getting jobs...

Rahul Khandelwal

  • Apr 13th, 2015

Hello mam
I have completed MCA in 2014 .but I can not find job so pls tell me how to get the job easily.... I am very nerves ... I gave 10 interview but I am not success and also I learned some computer courses like asp.net and sql and which one is the best portal. Can I learn SAP

somesh purohit

  • Apr 18th, 2015

respected sir,
am somesh purohit pursuing mca 3rd year 6th sem from pune university ,
right now m doing internship at softinfology company in java ,
i have above 60% in 12th , bca , mca but i dont have above or 60% in 10th ,
i hace 45% in 10th am trying to applay for interview but because of my 10th 45% m not eligible for any interview can you please tel me what may i do can i go through consultancy or any other option from you .
is there any company in pune for me .please replay me.
somesh purohit


  • Apr 24th, 2015

Dear Sir,
I completed MCA in 2009, I worked in the non-IT sector for 4 years, I want to change my career to IT sector. I was nerves with english. Please give me right information for learning "the Best Software" and the choice. In these days every body learning the software, But i needed long term utilizing one. Give me good suggestion.

Shivendra Singh

  • May 13th, 2015

I am in my 2nd Year of MCA , i have not done very well in my 10 & 12 ( Pass Class ) but in my Graduation i.e B.C.A i scored very well. Currently i am working as an DESKTOP SUPPORT ENGINEER in private firm with 3 Years of experience .
I am still dont know what to do with my future please assist me what to do.
Best Regards,
Shivendra Singh

Munish Sharma

  • Jul 3rd, 2015

I have completed MCA in 2013 from Distance Education. I have not experience for IT sector. Suggested for any course to get the job easily in IT Sector?
I am very nerves


  • Jul 8th, 2015

Dear Sir/Mam,
I have completed my B.SC IT in 2004 and started my job as an Admin assistant in Gulf for few years. Now i came back in India and took admission in MCA in 2013. Now i am in final semester. So Please advise me what should i do. Can i get a job in software industry or job with software profile. Regards.


  • Aug 1st, 2015

Dear Sir/Mam,
I am in MCA 3rd Year final semester help me for the decision of making my carrier in IT field.. i have done 5th sem mini project in php language, and 6th sem project in c# language...What are carrier opportunities for mca pg cource..
or What is Right Career path..
Please reply

tinku gupta

  • Aug 4th, 2015

I have MCA pass in IGNOU IN 2014 after that current time in Noida working on email marketing but php developer job is not provide so plz guidnes


  • Aug 5th, 2015

Mam, I have completed MCA in 2006 and I worked as a software engineer till 2008. After that I did'nt work anywhere untill now. Now I am eagerly looking for a job. but the gap is a problem. What I can do for getting a job.


  • Sep 14th, 2015

I am completed MCA in 2013. But I am not interested in IT Field. Currently I am working in a shipping company with 1 year experience. But still I am not satisfied with that work and career. plz anyone tell me what to do to get a better job and good field for my career.

lata rani

  • Oct 4th, 2015

Mam/sir I am in MCA 3rd Semester and I am totally confused to choose the way in this stream.


  • Oct 12th, 2015

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have completed MCA in 2008. I do not have job & experience. I want advice for what I have to do next so that I will get a job. I have done MCA in correspondence course.

Srinivasa rao botsa

  • Oct 16th, 2015

Hi Sir,
I have completed MCA in 2010 and I have been working as Java Trainer, I want to shift my career as an Architect, What are all the Technologies need to became a Architect and How I can shift my career to words to the Architect profession.

k.vijayan mca

  • Oct 30th, 2015

I have completed MCA in 2010 but I cannot find job so please tell me how to get the job easily.... I am very nervous. I gave 120 interview but I am not success & please tell me in which department I have to develop sir.


  • Nov 17th, 2015

I have been working as assistant professor in reputed college of Mumbai MCA College, and want to explore my skills and abilities abroad, I have total 4 years of experience as assistant professor and 1.5 year as Java developer in IT industry. Please let me know any opportunity which will help me enhance my career abroad.

padala sankara rao

  • Dec 22nd, 2015

I am studying MCA final year. What are the best courses useful to get good job.


  • Jan 17th, 2016

I have completed MCA 2015 & searching for job is there any job related to me?

kausar fatma

  • Feb 1st, 2016

Mam I am just completed my graduation in information tech, I want to know which is more import for me go for 3 year MCA or go for job and get 3 year experience?

Arun Kumar Jena

  • Feb 2nd, 2016

I am Arun I am MCA I couldn't get IT job, So that I get experienced in BPO sector last 5 year as I am passed out since 2010, Is this possible can switch over my Career into IT field now, Please tell me some Idea what is possible to Enter into IT Sectors.


  • Feb 15th, 2016

I am BE ECE 2009-2013 batch. Till I have 15 arrears paper. But I will now trying to clear all arrears paper. Also I have some of knowledge in C program language. Can I get good job in Top MNCs?What am I to do?

Pinki Rana

  • Feb 19th, 2016

I have done MCA. I have not done very well in my 10 & 12 (Pass Class) with art side. Please tell me some Idea what I do. I feel very bad.


  • Mar 24th, 2016

I was planning for MCA but seeing the amount of post mentioned above regarding the condition of job opportunity after MCA rather then that should I invest my time in improving my programming skills in three years of time or should I really opt for MCA will it help me, I am a BSc IT Graduate.


  • Apr 23rd, 2016

I completed B.Sc PCM. I have more interest in MCA.. What can I do.


  • May 27th, 2016

I know ASP.Net C# but I have 8 arrear in MCA is still not cleared please help how can I go inside into some IT company how can I enter as employee of IT company

devanshi bhati

  • Jun 6th, 2016

I just passed 12 th science. Which is best course for me in future. As it is MCA or M.Sc (Information Technology)?


  • Jun 27th, 2016

Mam, I have completed MCA in 2014 but I have not interest on programming skills. I don't know what I want to do now please give some information about this. Thank you mam.

Naved Ahmed

  • Jul 20th, 2016

I have done MCA from IGNOU in 2013 and I have also completed my MBA in Information System from SMU in 2015. What are the career prospects? Where can I get the job? What would be the salary for the freshers? Should I do any specialized IT course? Please guide me.


  • Sep 6th, 2016

I have done MCA, 2010 passed out . Now, I want to go in development and thinking for coaching in .Net or Java but I got information that no scope because of this big gap , I am not being considered as even a fresher. Please let me know what should I do to start my career?

sudhakar singh

  • Oct 6th, 2016

Don't, think act now, when you think you are good, then participate for solving problem online. There are many websites where you can increase your knowledge, try to solve more and more problem. Increase your rank. You don't need to speak, only your knowledge speak.

Lakshmi Pravallika Bhuthapuri

  • Dec 15th, 2016

Hello Sir/Madam,
I am going to complete my MCA 3 year graduation by 2017. So may I know which field will give the better carrier opportunities.

akash singh

  • Mar 3rd, 2017

After BSc IT What can I do? Should I go for the job or for higher study (Master Degree MCA)? Please give me idea


  • Mar 15th, 2017

I am doing correspondence MCA. Can anyone suggest where to apply for Jobs in IT..


  • Jun 11th, 2017

How to get the date of the registration of the mca?


  • Jul 4th, 2017

Are MCA graduates eligible for govt jobs?

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