What is the exact difference between Refrigerator and a air conditioner ?

Questions by Vignesh Sri

Showing Answers 1 - 72 of 72 Answers

vivek dutt

  • Sep 7th, 2011

refrigerator could maintain the temperature of it, below the room temperature, where as the air conditioner may vary the temperature according to the user.

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  • Sep 11th, 2011

Air conditioner maintains room temp. but refrigerator maintain specified box temp.

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  • Sep 17th, 2011

refrigerator is only controlling the temperature of a closed area. it will reduce the temperature to lower than the surrounding temperature. Air conditioner ,will condition the air by controlling the temperature, humidity of the air.

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  • Sep 27th, 2011

They are using different refrigerant type.

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  • Sep 28th, 2011

Refrigeration uses certain types of refrigerants instead of (air or water) to decrease the temperature to lower values than air conditioners.

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Komal Kulkarni

  • Mar 9th, 2012

Refrigerator extracts heat from a body & maintains the temperature of body below surrounding temperature and Air conditioner, conditions the air i.e. maintains temperature as well as purity and humidity of air in confined space.

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  • Oct 10th, 2012

Refrigerator--Maintaining lower temp compare to surrounding temp

air conditioner--simultaneous control of temp,air velocity,purity of air and humidity

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  • Dec 3rd, 2012

Refrigeration-to maintain the surrounding temp. below or equal the atomospheric. For doing this the main medium used is refrigerant.
Air conditioning to maintain the temp. of surrounding, the medium used is called coolant.

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Ashish Singla

  • Dec 11th, 2012

Refrigerator- It is a device which preserves the food

Air conditioner- It is for human comfort

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  • Dec 12th, 2012

Refrigerator is device its removed heat in substance at below atmospheric temperature.
Air conditioner is to control and maintenance of temperature as well as humidity.

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  • May 6th, 2013

refrigerator is not designed for human comfort whereas ac is designed for human comfort for above 18 Celsius refrigerator for 0 or less than 0 degree Celsius

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  • May 13th, 2013

AC can be used as heat pump and refrigerator where as the refrigerator cannot be used as heat pump.

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  • May 29th, 2013

refrigerator means fridge used as household appliance and can maintain temperature from 7 to -26 degree while air condition is used for human comfort and provides cooling effect in hot sunny days.

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Mehul S Parmar

  • Jun 10th, 2013

Ref. working on the Vapor absorption System where the AC work on open air compression cycle.
Ref is closed cycle where AC is open cycle

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  • Aug 25th, 2014

above ans is right but another difference is in AC we have to control some other parameters like air motion, air quality,humidity ets while we don't do that in refrigeration

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anil joshi

  • Aug 28th, 2014

AC does not work in open cycle.. The flow of coolant is closed in ac as well as in refrigerator ... Domestic refrigerators as well as AC work on vapor compression cycles .. electrolux made the first refrigerator which worked on vapor absorption cycle...theoretically we can develop AC which runs through vapor absorption but practically there are many constraints..
Ac has a fan to circulate air whereas refrigerator does not have any such arrangement as the cooling space is small ..

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Ashok kumar

  • Nov 14th, 2014

In refrigerator we use small diameter copper tubes whereas in ac we use ducts to deliver air to specific place.  Also in refrigerator fan is installed at base while in ac it is outside the room .

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  • Dec 29th, 2014

Refrigerator capacity is measured in litres,because it has to cool the confined volume or the confined area..bt the air conditioner capacity is measured in tonnes as there is no confined area..the area can be large or small..we have got same capacity of ac

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  • Feb 3rd, 2015

In refrigerator one can cool the objects upto 0 degree Celsius, but in air conditioner is designed is such a way that it should serve the purpose of providing human comfort temperature ranging from 16 degree to 20 degree Celsius.

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Dhaval panchal

  • Feb 5th, 2015

give me a right & technical answer

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  • Feb 21st, 2015

From technical point of view, in air conditioning the fresh air is sucked in with the help of duct arrangement system which is essential for supply of fresh oxygen in to the room but it is not the case for refrigeration.

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  • Feb 24th, 2015

ref- reducing heat from an object inside a box...
a.c- maintain air temp and purify inside a room..
main diff is also about their condenser...

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  • Mar 20th, 2015

refrigerator used for maintaining temperature in specific area below than that of surroundings..& air conditioning used for controlling air condition for human comfort..

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  • Mar 26th, 2015

refrigirator can maintain temperature below (zero degree too).
were as in in air conditioner it cant go (zero degree celsius) but it contains pure air,water vapour in it which can fresh up living beings

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  • Mar 29th, 2015

Refrigeration is lowering the temperature below the surrounding temperature and maintaining it.

Air conditioning is the application of refrigeration. It is the simultaneous control of temperature, humidity, distribution and purity. It should not be connected with heating application. It is a separate part of HVAC - Heating, Ventilation and Air conditioning.

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  • Apr 8th, 2015

Actually theres a lot of difference between air conditioning and refrigeration
AC is concerned with humidity as well as temperatures but refrigerator is only concerned with the temperature
Quality of air and human comfort is important in AC but refrigerator is not made for quality of air and human comfort
AC is concerned with a building or a room but refrigerator is used for small spaces and boxes

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  • Dec 15th, 2015

Anatomy of refrigerator and air conditioner is same. The working principle is also one and the same. However air conditioners objective is different from that of a refrigerators.
Air-conditioner, fundamentally, is to give human comfort by maintaining the room temperature around 25 degree celicius while controlling the humidity at around 65%.
Refrigerator is to store food at such a temperature where the biological decay is minimum. Usually the temperature in side the air freezer is around 5 degree celicius and in the deep freezer it is at -5 degree celicius.

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prashanth kamath

  • Dec 17th, 2015

Refrigerant is a part of air conditioning. Purity, velocity of air, duct designing are taken care in addtion to the refrigerant paremeters

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  • Dec 21st, 2015

In Refrigeration we maintain the temperature in general condition, whereas in air conditioning we lower the temperature of specific place from its surroundings.

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rajat singh shishodia

  • Jan 22nd, 2016

Refrigerator keeps the pressure and temperature equal to atmospheric pressure and air conditioning helps the temp to be maintain for living body sometime it low temp. and sometimes it makes more which is only due to atmospheric pressure.

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kamrul Hasan

  • Feb 4th, 2016

When the cooling is done lower the room temperature the it is called Refrigeration.

Air-conditioning is a process where temperature, humidity, purity and velocity is maintain at lower comfortable condition.

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ram milan upadhyay

  • Mar 1st, 2016

Refrigerator maintains lower temperature below atmospheric temperature where as AC maintains temperature as well as humidity of a specified specification.

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yasitha wettasinghe

  • Jul 27th, 2016

Refrigeration normally maintains a constant temperature bellow the atmospheric temperature, but in air conditioning, variation in the temperature and humidity is desirable. But copper is used in refrigeration and Air conditioning both.

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Avinash Singh

  • Sep 25th, 2016

Refrigerators: The principle is according to second low of thermodynamics "heat can be made to flow from cold body to hot body with the help of external source."

Air Conditioners: AC continuously draws the air from the space to be cooled and cools it by principle of refrigeration and discharge it back to the same indoor space that needs to be cooled.

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  • Jul 13th, 2017

Refrigeration: is referred to cooling of required space using various processes. Most of the refrigeration involves “Vapor Compression Refrigeration Process” which involves following steps which is called a closed loop refrigeration cycle.

1. Compressor: Refrigerant will be Compressed in a sealed compressor which reaches high temperature

2. Condenser: Refrigerant will be Cooled in condenser by means of atmospheric temperature in the long tubing

3. Evaporator: Refrigerant will be Evaporated in an Evaporator in the long tubing Creating low temperature (placed in a to be cooled space)

The above three process is repeated continuously
Depending upon the temperature to which it should be evaporated/cooled decides type of the refrigerant.
Refrigerator: is used to cool a small closed box of space to keep Meet, food, fruits and vegetables at Different compartments at different temperature ranging from -20o C to +5o C and type of refrigerants used are suitable for this range of temperature e.g. Tetrafluoroethane R-134a (ozone friendly; Hydro Fluro Carbons). Since the cooled space/box is small the capacity of the compressor is small which is in the range of 100 to 400 watts depending up on the size of the refrigerator.
Air Conditioner: Air Conditioning is controlling Air temperature of a room or home to be comfortable to people (+20o C to +26o C) in addition to Humidity and freshness of the Air is also controlled. It may involve heating or cooling. In the case of cold climate (less than 15o C) heating is Air conditioning, which is a simple system of heating through electric power or Burning Gas. In the case of hot climate (above 30o C) Air conditioner is used to cool a room or home to keep the human being comfortable and in this case “Vapor Compression Refrigeration Cycle” Air conditioner is used. Type of refrigerants suitable for this range of temperature is R-410A a Mixture of difluoromethane (CH2F2, called R-32) and pentafluoroethane (CHF2CF3, called R-125). Here the cooled space/room is big the capacity of the compressor is big which is in the range of 1000 to 4000 watts depending up on the size of the Air conditioner. In addition to cooling Air conditioners are made to control the humidity and cleanliness of the air by filtering.

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  • Aug 4th, 2017

Refrigerator is confined to small enclosure, it just maintains the temperature below the room temperature whereas air conditioner is confined to room. It can be used to cool the air, heat, humidify, dehumidify etc.

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