Pushdown Optimization

What is push down optimization ? what is its use and importance in data warehousing ?

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Aug 15th, 2011

Pushdown optimization is a way of load-balancing among servers in order to achieve optimal performance. Such optimization is crucial for overall ETL performance.

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  • Sep 18th, 2011

Pushdown optimaztion is an option in Informatica ETL tool that pushes the transformation logic to the source / target database thus increasing the performance

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Sreedhar Lokaray

  • Nov 3rd, 2011

Pushdown Optimization is a new feature introduced from Informatica 8.

To increase session performance, the integration service pushes transformation logic to the source or target database. Based on the mapping and session configuration, the Integration Service executes SQL against the source or target database instead of processing the transformation logic within the Integration Service.

A session can be configured for 3 types of pushdown optimizations. There are:
1. Source-side pushdown optimization
2. Target-side pushdown optimization
3. Full pushdown optimization

Let me put it in simple words. The Integration Service generates and executes a SELECT statement based on the transformation logic for each transformation it can push to the database. Then, it reads the results of this SQL query and processes the remaining transformations. It generates an INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement based on the transformation logic for each transformation it can push to the database.

Please refer the User Manuals of Informatica 8.

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  • Nov 1st, 2015

I need brief explaination about
* Source side pushdown optimization
* Target side pushdown optimization
* Full pushdown optimization

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