Contactors in circuits

Why we use contactors in many types of contactors are there.. how we select the contactor for in ckt for its operation

Questions by JASHI

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Contactor is basically a large relay kind of thing which is used to switch large amount of power. It has multiple contacts and all contacts can be switched together. all multiple contacts are controlled by electromagnetic coil.
When coil is getting current, contacts will be closed and if coil is de-energised, contacts will be open.

why we use contactors in ckts????

Switching large amount of power(capacitor bank connection, heavy motor) by simple mechanical switch can be dangerous since chances of arc production and insulation failure. But use of contactor makes a man dealing with very small dc which is used to energise the coil of contator, rest things are done by contactor.

how many types of contactors are there?
1. Mechanical contactor
2. Electromagnetic attraction contactor
3. Electromagnetic Induction contactor.
4. Solid state contractor.

how we select the contactor for in ckt for its operation ?
- Comparing load in circuit and rating of contactor provided as done for relay.

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