SOC7 Abend

How can u resolve soc7 abend? how do you know the cause for soc7 abend? how do you findout. where soc7 abend occurs?

Questions by rpg0247   answers by rpg0247

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers

You don't get a SOC7 in CICS you get an ASRA , the best way is to have a handle condition and accompanying code that displays the file, key and operation, if not a dump dataset is created and you'll have to snift thru that

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  • Dec 12th, 2011

How to recreate this ASRA abend in CICS test regions.

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  • Jan 3rd, 2012

Resolving abends is different point & resolving an perticular type of abend is different point.

1) Resolving abends
ans) this refers to how you resolve abends in general , that is what approach or process you follow to resolve an abend, some thing similar to below steps
a) If your job abends, first we go to Spool (ex: S.ST)
b) find your job in spool
c) put question mark before your job & hit enter, it will show the job related datasets like JESMSGLG,JESJCL , JESYSMSG & name of `the steps + SYSPRINT, SYSOUT ,SYSTSPRT, CEEDUMP , etc if you have defined any.
d) by analysing JESMSGLG , JESYSMSG, SYSOUT(user messages) & CEEDUMP you can find out which step abended, with what return code, what is the abend , details about abent & CEEDUMP will contain the content of working storage variables by using these details you can even know at which input record Abend occured.

2)resolving an perticular type of abend
for any type of abend we follow above procedure, ex: SOC7, it is because of bad input data, you can find out the reecord that is abending by looking at variable printed in CEEDUMP or use display statements in program rerun & find out where it is abending

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  • Feb 27th, 2016

SOC7 abend typically happens due to data type mismatch such as numeric data in an alpha field. Way to fix is to validate the data before the move and move it to the appropriate data type variable.

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  • Sep 7th, 2017

soc7 abend occurs due to invalid or nonnumeric data entered in numeric field.

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