Replicate and Broadcast Components

When can we go replicate and when we cannot go broadcast components?
What is the advantage & disadvantage of replicate?
What is the advantage & disadvantage of broadcast?

Questions by slanilkumar

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers


  • Nov 15th, 2010

Broadcast - Takes data from multiple inputs, combines it and sends it to all
the output ports. For example, You have 2 incoming flows (This can be data
parallelism or component parallelism) on Broadcast component, one with 10
records & other with 20 records. Then on all the outgoing flows (it can be any
number of flows) will have 10 + 20 = 30 records

Replicate - It replicates the data for a particular partition and send it out
to multiple out ports of the component, but maintains the partition integrity.
For example, Your incoming flow to replicate has a data parallelism level of 2.
with one partition having 10 recs & other one having 20 recs. Now suppose you
have 3 output flos from replicate. Then each flow will have 2 data partitions
with 10 & 20 records respectively.

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