Divided by 3D

A number when divided by D leavs a remainder of 8 and when divided by 3D leavs a remainder of 21. What is the remainder left, when twice the number is divided by 3D
This question is related to TCS Interview

Questions by sai krishna v

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Nov 18th, 2010

Ans: 3

When the number is divided by 3D we got 21. Means the number itself is 21 and 3D >21.
when 21/D, remainder is 8.
So D = 21-8 =13.
now (21*2)/(13*3), Remainder is 3.

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  • Sep 19th, 2011

ANSWER - Remainder = 3
let number is x,and quotient is A . D is divisor,and R is remainder= 8
then x = A*D + 8 --------------(I)
in second situation let quotient is B , 3D is divisor and R is remainder = 21
then x = B*3D +21 -----------(II)
from eq.(i)& eq.(ii)
AD +8 =3BD +21
or AD - 3BD =21 - 8 = 13
or D (A- 3B) =13*1
or D=13 ,and A -3B = 1 , IF B = 1 ,then A = 4
NUMBER X = 4*13 + 8 = 52+8 = 60
If 60*2 is divided by 3D =3*13 =39,
120/39 = 3 is quotient,and REMAINDER = 3 ANS

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