Rude Team Member

In your team one member is very rude how do you handle this guy?
One to one meeting has done three times, till the guy is very rude, what is your next step.

Questions by goverdhan.goud

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers

Well this kind of scenario will be found in all environments. If you already had face-to-face meeting even then if he is not improving then try to communicate this person via emails. Keep the records of the email and this kind of person when they get mad they will not hesitate to write stupid stuff in email that emails we can use as a weapon to go to the higher authority.

If we pressurize these kind of person then they will broke, shows they original colors, and are trapped.


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  • Mar 26th, 2011

Well in such case if you have taken many one to one meetings with that rude guy to make him convince to work property.

Then next step is to talk with him as a friend and try to get the matter because of which he is behaving like this. If the you can get the problem that why hi is behaving like this then there may be a many solutions. If his reason of behaving like this is correct then you can try to resolve the issue according to him.

But the reason you get by the rude guy is not proper or correct then you can explain him the draw backs of his behaviour. If it is his tendency to behave like this then you can explain him about his future with this attitude.

And finally if he is not able to understand your language...then warn him once or two and  after that just sit with him against the managing team and try to get the solution from management regarding his rude behaviour.

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If the  Rude Team Member is good for  project  than be practical  keep assign their task  don't give them to think just utilize there techniques to the project. If he  is denying  the task than he will be fired by company. Provide the logical task to make him think and make him busy. If his mind is processing for the task than he will be automatically  calm after some time. Because " The empty mind is house of ghost ".

You need to take special care of him. If he is important for the company. If not than do a meeting and warn him. else complain to your senior reporting manager.

Thanks & regards
Rajesh Ganjeer
Sr.Software engineer
SmartDatainc pvt. ltd

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