Closure Action taken by Tester

As a tester you found lot of defects/bugs in the entire test cycle. As the release date is near (within a week), you found many of the defect (24) is not yet closed. What are the closure action you will take?

Questions by mathan_vel   answers by mathan_vel

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As a tester you found lot of defects/bugs in the entire test cycle. As the release date is near (within a week), you found many of the defect (24) is not yet closed. What are the closure action you will take?

1. As a tester whenver we find the defect we should bring it to notice of the all project members. (In agile methodology we can achieve this by discussing the defects in daily calls).
2. In waterfall model we can achieve this by setting up defect review meeting with all project members and ensure that they are closed within release date.
3. If both the steps written above does not yeild the expected result for tester, then he/she can use the organization level escalation machanisms to escalate the issue to proper persons.


  • Dec 29th, 2010

First I will do root clause analysis to find out where is defect and then becausse of I have limited time limit I will do pilot testing and try to resolve my defect.

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  • Feb 16th, 2011

Some pieces of the puzzle are missing but let me attempt to answer

What is the length of the test cycle?

At which stage of the Test Cycle are these bugs reported?

What are the Priorities / Severities of the reported bugs?

At what frequency are the bug triagere view meetings held?

Irrespective of the answers to the above missing details now that we have a situation the way forward is to call for a Bug Review Meeting

Discuss these during the Daily Scrum call stack rank the unresolved Bugs by both Severity and Priority. Here ends the tester’s role.

PM should take over for further decision making: Understand who are the target audience for the release and decide the Must Ship bugs to be resolved for the release. If the capacity needed to address these bugs outnumbers the available capacity a tradeoff needs to be done between “Pushing release date vs Delivering De-Scoped Product” trade off decision should be based not just on the $ amount impact associated to each of the candidate decisions but also the strategic importance of each of those decisions. Note: In Any case DO NOT TRY TO ADD ADDITIONAL RESOURCES TO ADDRESS THE CAPACITY GAP, or you invite catastrophe

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  • Oct 20th, 2011

Action items:

1. Determine how many are Priority 1 (P1), 2 (P2) and 3 (P3) bugs.
2. Send an email to all the project stake holders - BA, PM, Dev lead, QA manager, QA lead) with the # P1, P2, P3 outstanding bugs.
3. Tell them that you will not proceed with anymore testing until the blocking bugs are fixed because you will have to re-test the bugs and perform regression bugs.
4. Once the bugs you wanted t be fixed are fixed by dev team, go ahead and re-test them and close them if they looked fixed.
5. Run regression tests
6. If you still have lots of outstanding bugs and more testing to be done, shoot an email project team telling them you as a QA will not give the 'go-ahead' (nod) to deploy into production.

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