Fan Condensers

Why condensers are used in fans?

Questions by sjonathan   answers by sjonathan

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Sep 8th, 2010

Condenser is nothing but a capacitor.
Generally the fan used for commercial purpose is driven bya Single Phase Induction Motor. That motor dont have any starting torque.The starting torque is obtained by an auxilary Winding. With this arrangement the powerfactor getting very poor.

So to improve powerfactor the condenser is used in the fan.

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  • Sep 15th, 2010

The most common motor used in a normal household electric fan is a single-phase induction motor. When first switched on such a motor needs to use a "starter" winding, in addition to its main winding, so that a rotating magnetic field is created to make the motor's rotor start to turn.
However a starter winding cannot do the job on its own, it needs a "Start-And-Run Capacitor" in series with the starter winding to create a rotating magnetic field. Without one of those capacitors the motor would never start to turn

Fan condenser is just used to create starting torque by increasing the current lead through the starting winding ,after started running of 1-phase motor we can remove capacitor even after removing the capacitor the motor will not stop and continous in running. In some cases two capacitors are used to improve the powerfactor also.

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