
Why temperature decreases as we move heigher?

Questions by sjonathan   answers by sjonathan

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Oct 15th, 2010

Our earth accepts the waves with shorter wavelength from the sun and reflects of longer wavelength. The longer wave length waves are absorbed by the dust particles, air molecules and other impurities in the air etc. and warm the atmosphere.

The concentration of these air molecules decreses as we go up, so absorption of heat is less, hence tempertaure decreses as altitude increases.

NOTE: Temperature increases as pressure increaes, it is true only if the volume is kept constant. But in reality, as we go up volume is not always constant.


  • Dec 7th, 2010

Volume of air is constant around our globe or in other words the earth can be considered as isochoric system. As we move higher and higher the pressure decrease and at constant volume the pressure is directly proportional to temp. as a result temp will also decrease

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bibekananda sahoo

  • Feb 9th, 2016

Rays coming from the Sun is only due to radiation and radiation doesn't require any medium. Thus it does not affect the upper atmosphere of the Earth so we feel the sun rays (i.e hotness) whenever it is hitting the surface and then reflected. Go on increasing altitude the intensity or amount of reflected rays getting decrease and so feel cool.

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