Test Data for New System

How will you collect test data for a new system which is designed for the very first time? What should be the tester's approach?

Questions by testing201

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Jul 19th, 2010

Developers will be knowing the data type of these fields, based on that I believe we can arrive at the Test data for the fields.

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  • Oct 1st, 2010

When developing tets data for a new system it is very important that you understand the functionality and the requirements. It is important to talk with the business and the business analyst and even the developers in verifying if the data you have created is correct or not.
But mainly it is a tester's job to create test data

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A test plan  should be written whilst the system is being developed. The test plan should contain details of everything that needs to be tested.
Test plans are very detailed, and contain many tests. Each test is specified very precisely.

A typical test would contain:
Details of what is being tested
The test data to use
What is expected to happen when the test is performed?
When choosing what data to use to test a system, we need to think about why we are testing the system: to see if it works and to check it does not break.

To do this, we use three types of test data...
1) Normal Data Values:
                  E.g. In a system that was designed to accept and process test marks (percentages), then normal test values would include:
2) Extreme Data Values: 
In a system that was designed to accept and process test marks (percentages), then extreme test values would be:
0 (lowest possible value)
100 (highest possible value)
3) Abnormal Data Values:
In a system that was designed to accept and process test marks (percentages), then abnormal test values would include:

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