Train Differential

Why there is no differential in a train. What happens when a train takes a turn?

Questions by sharu46   answers by sharu46

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Mar 1st, 2010

Generally we do not find any differential in trains. In trains the conical supported members are provided on both the sides of the wheel. So in curvilinear motion vehicle gets operated with the help of the conical member. While taking turn these members come in to picture. (The shape of the member looks like 'v'shape) and the life of this period is as much as high like a normal roller bearings.

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The train takes turn because of the specific design of the wheels,As on looking the wheels from close we see that they are slightly tapered.Now when there is a turn,because of the centripetal/centrifugal force,the wheels along with the train shifts a little laterally on the track.This shifting cause the wheel contact on the track to change for both wheels.While the radius of wheel in contact with the tract increases for the outer wheels,it decreases for the inner ones.As both the wheels are connected to axle and are rotating with the same angular speed,the velocity which is product of radius and angular velocity changes for outer wheels and inner wheels.This causes difference and makes the train to take turn without any use of differential gears.

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  • Jul 4th, 2011

The path traced by the tires of a car when it takes a turn......that my friend are the tracks of the train.
Do you still need a differential?

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Deepak jangir

  • Dec 27th, 2011

No there is no such device. Outer wheel, while taking a turn must travel a larger distance comparatively to the inner one. This is accomplished by providing the greater dia on outer side of both the wheels so taper is done on the wheels because greater perimeter is given at greater radius at same speed.

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Komal Ashu

  • Nov 7th, 2012

To facilitate turning of the trains, a number of factors are taken into consideration. The trains never turn at a very sharp angle. The change in direction of the trains is facilitated by a gradually turning curve. At the turns the railway track is designed in a manner that causes the wheels to slip on to the adjoining rails at joints
The coning of the wheels allows the wheels to maintain a constant wheelbase at the axle n hence prevents derailment.The guage at the curve is widened so as to prevent rail tracks from bending outwards

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  • Feb 9th, 2015

Trains do not have differentials. but we all know they do take turn. this is achieved by CONING of wheel. since the centripetal force attracts the train to the centre of curvature, the outer wheels dia being small makes much rotation than the inner wheels, which are having at the instant larger dia. and in this train takes a turn. P.S.- trains require much distance to turn than any vehicle. SEE CONING in google

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