Test a Coffee Cup

What test cases would you write when testing a coffee cup?

Questions by kurtz182   answers by kurtz182

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Dec-2009 | Jan 2nd, 2010

Ask your interviewer for the coffee cup requirement. A tester should have a knowledge the customer requirement and according to the requirement tester will derive the test cases for the testing. But If the Interviewer is unable to give you any requirement then you can go with below test cases - 

- Volume of the coffee cup ? [ functional ]
- Weight of coffee cup ? [ functional ]
- Upper surface area of the coffee Cup ? [ functional ] 
- With handle without handle ? [ functional ] 
- Grip of the cup ? [ functional ] 
- Any Leakage ?  [ functional ] 
- How long that cup will keep the coffee in required temperature ? [Stability] 
- Reusable ?  [ functional ]
- Breakable / Unbreakable ?  [ functional ]
- Can is cup stands properly in jerking condition ? how much force required to make the cup down ?  

- Color of the coffee cup ? [ UI ]
- Grip of the cup ? [ UI ]
- how essay to sip the coffee brew ? [UI]
- How easy to clean the cup ? [ UI ]

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Dec 21st, 2009

Here I am trying to give just brief ideas about coffee cup testing
hope it'll help you a bit

1.Verify Coffee Cup is Handy
2.Verify Coffee Cup can hold Hot Coffee without melting
3.Verify Coffee cup is leak proof
4.Verify Coffee Cup can hold cold Coffee
5.Verify the Coffee cup capacity (howmuch it can hold 1/2 ltr)


Ask your interviewer for the coffee cup requirement. A tester should have a knowledge the customer requirement and according to the requirement tester will derive the test cases for the testing. But If the Interviewer is unable to give you any requirement then you can go with below test cases - 

- Volume of the coffee cup ? [ functional ]
- Weight of coffee cup ? [ functional ]
- Upper surface area of the coffee Cup ? [ functional ] 
- With handle without handle ? [ functional ] 
- Grip of the cup ? [ functional ] 
- Any Leakage ?  [ functional ] 
- How long that cup will keep the coffee in required temperature ? [Stability] 
- Reusable ?  [ functional ]
- Breakable / Unbreakable ?  [ functional ]
- Can is cup stands properly in jerking condition ? how much force required to make the cup down ?  

- Color of the coffee cup ? [ UI ]
- Grip of the cup ? [ UI ]
- how essay to sip the coffee brew ? [UI]
- How easy to clean the cup ? [ UI ]

Additional Test cases that are not mentioned here

1. Check if coffee cup is of the desirable size, as there is a difference between that and Tea Cup

2. check if coffee cup is having handle that is of comfirtable size and shape (this is most imp)

3. check if cup is not having any leakages and it can hold coffee in it

4. check if cup is not having material that can react with coffee and may produce harmful chemicals

5. coffee cup should be heat resistant and should not absorb heat (the VVIP)


  • Feb 25th, 2010

In this day and age (year 2010) even many third world countries have microwave and dishwasher in their homes. So,

1. Verify the coffee cup is Microwave proof.
2. Verify the coffee cup is Dishwassher proof.

3. Verify that the coffee cup does not break when falls on home carpet.
4.    "        "     "       "      "      "      "      "        "       "    "    office carpet.

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