Application Re-Test

In an application currently in production, one module of code is being modified. Is it necessary to re-test the whole application or is it enough to just test functionality associated with that module?

Questions by mathan_vel   answers by mathan_vel

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

As stated earlier, Sanity testing helps you in identifying the stability as well as the flow of the AUT which helps in further realising the testing of particular module which undergone code change or testing the full AUT.

As far as I have experienced, I would also say even sanity test pass is found and if time permits as per schedule I advise you to re-test the module integrated with module which undergone changes. there is nothing wrong in it. One cannot say "Do" or "Don't do" as it depends entirely on the application.

The depth of any test effort depends on the amount of time and resources management is willing to spend on it. This decision is largely based on the application under test, ranging from applications that have significantly high ramifications if defects occur (ie., code for an ATM where money is dispersed) to applications that have no tangible impact at all (ie.,
code that structures how something will behave on an application that has little
value to the company).

Of course, if the application under test can have potentially significant
impact on revenue or on customer perception, then management will be more
willing to devote more testing resources to it. In these conditions, it would be
worthwhile to conduct more than just a sanity test.

Nevertheless, in any situation, one begins with sanity testing, paying
particular attention to functionality that is influenced by the modified code.
Beyond that, it is best to identify any dependencies that other modules may have
on this module and sanity test them as well. If time permits, you would then
sanity check other major functionalities even though they may not be directly
dependent on the modified module.

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