Improve QA Process

How will you begin to improve the QA process?

Questions by mathan_vel   answers by mathan_vel

Editorial / Best Answer


  • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 17th, 2009

Of course, the answer to this question depends on time, budget, and resources.  Generally, this is how I would begin: I would evaluate QA processes based on past experience and the feedback that I've received from others (ex: Post Mortem - lessons learned). Then I would select projects that are feasible and will return the greatest value for our effort and focus my attention on them.

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers

There are few ways that can improve QA process:
1. Go through the each requirement carefully.
2. Preapare a RTM, so that you will become assure that all the requriements are captured properly.
3. Prepare test cases as per the requirement captured.
4. Get a knowledge on the application before start testing. (Because functionality should be known before starting the testing of any application)
5. Prepare document containting all the application knowledge.
6. Have a couple of round of review. (help you as well as others to understand the functionality)
7. Capture requirement change consistently.
8. Start testing and try all possible ways.

These are few basic concept. Apart from these most important thing is tester should have good knowledge of concepts and application, which can help him/her in improving the QA process based on his/her application

Of course, the answer to this question depends on time, budget, and resources.  Generally, this is how I would begin: I would evaluate QA processes based on past experience and the feedback that I've received from others (ex: Post Mortem - lessons learned). Then I would select projects that are feasible and will return the greatest value for our effort and focus my attention on them.

Firstly we need to know is it QA process at ODC level, project level or org level

At any level the present practise/process to be analysed and effective practices retained and overheads removed. If found any gaps inthe form of repeted defects try to define a set of procedure/process

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