Risk / Contingency / Mitigation Plan

What is meant by Risk / Contingency / Mitigation in test Plan?

Questions by chandru.hb

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers

Let me start with definition of the three words used in question

Risk: Expose to a chance of loss or damage
: A possible event or occurrence or result
: To act in such a way as to cause an offence to seem less

As we all know that every software system has a risk factor involved in it.
It is the reason why we need to have Contingency/Mitigation Plans ready. 
Typically every testing team maintains a Risk/Contingency/ Mitigation Plan. It
contains the following columns (considering document is in excel) Risk
Description, Date, Category, Impact Areas, Root Cause, Priority, Contingency
Action Plan, Mitigation Action Plan, Risk Status, Risk Close Date Following may
be the risk that most of the projects have
1) Environmental/ Hardware risk
2) Bugs in Software system which are not identified in earlier stages of testing
3) Resources dependency risk

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Risk is an inability to achieve the objectives within defined effort, cost schedule and technical constraints. It has two components
1. Probability of Failing to achieve
2. Impact of failing to achieve the objectives

Mitigation: Reducing the risk probability, impact or both which yeilds an acceptable risk severity is the objective of Mitigation

Contingency: Once risk is occured, taking precautions to the impact of risk is called contingency

Its very similar to what viabhavst told, but may be in different way :-)


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  • Jul 19th, 2011

Mitigation: Plans that would not allow the risks to materialize or make the risks go away

Contingency: Plan B. Risk has now occurred how to minimize losses / make it go away.

Risk server overload (denial of service): The online reservation system can handle only 500 users at one time, more than 500 users attempting to access the system may result in denial of service

Mitigation Plan: An extra server to be maintained so that it could share the traffic with the main server

Contingency Plan: On failure of the two servers to handle the load, route any new user to a third server showing a message for service not available

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  • Sep 3rd, 2011

I'll share my view.

Risk: its simply chances/probability of getting loss.

Mitigation: Lessen the Severity/minimization of potential impact

Contigency: A chance, accident, or possibility conditional on something uncertain:Eg. He was prepared for every contingency

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rohit kumar

  • Aug 22nd, 2012

1.) Going with max speed say 100Km/hr on bike on Indian road is always RISK
2.) Cut down the speed to 20 to 30 Km/hr, we can say to mitigate the risk or mitigation plan
3.) No options to cut down the speed less then 100Km/hr, but with proper safety precautions we could say Contingency plan.

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