
Why alternator is operated at lagging power factor?

How alternator responses with changing the load?

Questions by singhamit

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Since the Synchronous generator having the property of supplying the reactive power along with the real power, this can be operated in lagging power factor only. Suppose if it want to work with leading power factor means, it should absorbed reactive power supplied by the capacitive load. The induction generator only having the property of observing the reactive power for its excitation purpose. If the load of the generator changes suddenly means, from that instant itself the generator will take care of that load. But to balance the power, the generator speed either increase or decrease. This reduction in speed will affect the frequency.

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The Alternator has very little margin to run in the leading P.F. so far electrical stability of alternator is concered. If we operate generator at higher leading P.F. machine will become unstable and may run out of synchronism. This will also experience pole slipping which is injurious to alternator.

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