Root Cause of Bug

As a test enginner, How will you find the root cause for the bug that occured in the production or live, which has been already tested and certified.
How will you face the situation?

Questions by digitdom

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers


  • Sep 8th, 2009

The following are the points you can check.
1) Study the bug.  Find the functionality where it is.
2) If the sofwtare is already tested.  Check for executed test cases and see the test result.
3) Cross check the test cases with the requirement specification.
4) Check the release on which testing and certification done.
5) Check the hardware, software compatibility.
6) Ensure that the regression testing done properly.  If any defects raised in the same functionality where the bug found.

Collect all the above mention points detail and study for the root cause for the bug that occured in the software.

1. Analyzed & check the loophole of the bug.
2.Execute once again the Test case with the Environment of bug arise and note down the status(test result).
3. Make a note for the reason for the bug.
4.Check the bug not impact on other areas.
5.Make that bug to Hot fix and Close as early.

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  • Sep 9th, 2009

It is a very general case in software testing that any bug is found on the production and it was not present on the testing environment. If anything happens like this then we should proceed in the following way:

1. Properly understand functional flow which is producing the bug on production.
2. Find out the differnecs between "testing environment and production environment" and its impact on the functional flow which is producing bug on production.
3. Verify functonality with the "same test data" on the production which was producing correct results on testing environment.
4. conduct a meeting and try to find out other causes which may effect the functional flow which is producing bug on production.

Include in ashishks' answer this fifth step:

When the reason for the problem in the production environment is known and the gap between production and test environment which causes this error is identified, establish measures to bring the test environment closer to the live (production) environment in whatever manner is most feasible. 

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