Dynamic Pick List Configuration

How to configure the dynamic pick list?

Questions by vasu07

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

1. Select Picklist Object Type and create a new Picklist.
2. And assign a Project, Select business component as User Defined, select static as false.
3. Go to the business component OT and select the Picklist BC and select Child OT Field and Select the Picklist Field and provide the name of the picklist for the Picklist property.
4. Now, Select Child OT Pick Map, Create a new record.
5. Provide name of Field from the BC for picklist for Field property and for Pick Field property provide field of the pick BC which should be a join field.
6. Go to the Applet where you want to activate the picklist and select Child OT Control and make run Time Property to true for the Selected Control and specify the Pick Applet property.
7. Compile the Project.

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