LOV in BO Reporting

If a user wants to report a list of values that is not available in the Universe/DB, then how will you help him/her to use it in a report?

Questions by harakrishnav

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers


  • Aug 13th, 2009

There could be one possible reason why the user was unable to see the list of values.

In universe,in object properties, there is one check box "Assosiate list of values" select this check box and try.
By default every object in universe will associate with list of values.

Hope this helps.

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You can edit the list of values for the required object and load personalized list of values for the user, if data is not available in Universe / DB.

Ravi Kumar Garre

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  • Sep 15th, 2009

LOV is used:
1. For prompts
2. For display in reports

If the values are required for prompts then you need to edit the object in the universe to a union to your query for that object.

If it is for display in the report then sort the values using custom sort where you can add temporary values to LOV.

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  • Sep 17th, 2009

Strange but not immpossible.

You have to create a dataprovider by selecting others-->personal files.

Now, you have to create a dummy object and when you are using that in BO reporting then add that to filter panel and go for query results of dataprovider, then you can take that and proceed.

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There is one way to incorporate LOV for this problem.

1) In Universe

In Universe designer Goto Tool >>List of value>> Edit Lov. Select the object in which you want to associate the LOV then check the Personal data radio button below Click Ok. Provide the personalised list of value either in Txt, excel or DB file and export the universe with these cutomizes LOV. Then only these LOV will be available during reporting.

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