Debugging Dynamic SQL

What is the best technique of debugging large and fragmented dynamic SQL.

Questions by sanjeevlabh   answers by sanjeevlabh

Showing Answers 1 - 16 of 16 Answers


  • Aug 31st, 2009

Better insert the dynamic SQL statement into a log table. To see the Exact query or if you have Quest Software (TOAD) use the SQL monitor or session browser to see what query executed.


  • Jan 19th, 2010

Take the appropriate trace (database trace or the application trace) for the process and convert the raw trace to tkprof. Use the tkprof to analyze the dynamic query.

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The biggest challenge in debugging dynamic sql is to re-construct the actual query that had been sent to the sql parser at run time. The complexity increase as the size and number of fragmentation of the query increases.

As per my experience to debug dynamic sql the best method is to store the sql string in a table before execution. If the dynamic sql size is small then a simple varchar2 data type of the column storing the sql string is fine. But if the query size is quite big i.e. number of characters exceeding 2000 then the best method is by storing it in a column of debug table having CLOB data type of the field storing the sql string.

Personally I feel the CLOB method is a better choice since it would work under all circumstances. 

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As per my experience the best way to debug the dynamic sql is to insert the records of all the stages of that programme in a temporary table. After running the programme you can get the stages from the temporay table and you can debug the programme. you can see that which block has returned what. A correct output has been given or not.


You need to store each and every line of the dynamic sql in a file using UTL_FILE Package before you could execute it, so that you can refer the same file after executing the code, this here serves you as a log file for debugging.

For Ex:


where p_string_in is dynamic SQL for each line.

Suppose if my dynamic SQL consists of following 3 lines.


then you will call UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE function 3 times

as follows:

UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_filehandle, 'BEGIN');
UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(v_filehandle, 'END');

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