POST and GET Methods

Which will execute faster POST or GET? Explain

Questions by raghuveerpm

Showing Answers 1 - 24 of 24 Answers

Both are same while performing the action but using POST security is there.
Because using GET method in the action, form field values send along with URL, so at the time of sending password, problem will occur means password also will shown in the URL.
Using of POST there is no problem.


  • Aug 17th, 2009

POST is most secure so it have to pass some process. GET is simple way to send via URL so it is will be fast.

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  • Aug 18th, 2009

Once most important difference is when you are sending the form with GET method.
It displays name/value pair used in the form at the address bar of the browser preceded by url
Whereas if you send the form with POST method then user can not see that information and Secondly When you want to send short or small data & Less Sensitive Data then you can use GET Method. But for long data & Sensitive Data sending, say more then 100 character you can use POST method.


  • Sep 11th, 2009

POST method using for the moving into another pages means we are using two pages.
But GET methods using for the within the page (exp pagination & url calling)

Thanks & Regards
Sr.PHP Programmer

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  • Dec 13th, 2009

GET transfer data to the server using URL whereas POST transfer data using form collection which is added to the request by the browser.

We can send at most 1024 bytes using URL hence there is upper limit for GET method

POST method can transfer large amount of data where upper limit is imposed by web server which is about 2MB data is shown to the user in

GET method hence it is not secured whereas in POST method data transfer is secured.

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  • May 3rd, 2010

Yes, the basic difference in between GET and POST is - all data sent to the server in GET method is displayed in address bar and it usefull in small scale app.

In POST method, data can be more than 255 charecters and is used to send crucial info like login info and other personal information. It can send over 2 mb data and we can change it's value also..

But now question arises why we use GET method?
Anwer: when we want to bookmark particular page than GET method is useful because all page info is available address bar.

Ex. If you search for e-book in google than you will find your desired e-book on page 2 than you bookmark the link and later on you can get instant access of that url directly. this is not possible in post method.

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Both Are Types of Super Global Array

Both Method is Performing same operation while execution but little difference listed below ::

GET ::

[1] GET is not Secure for Sensitive Data because Our will show in url when we use this method

[2] GET has Limitation You can only pass 255 character query string


[1] POST is more secure than GET because Your information will be hide during performing

[2] POST has No limitation

[3] U can not Book-Mark your page if you use POST Method

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Vipin Yadav

  • Sep 30th, 2011

Post execute faster than get method. Get is default super global.

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  • Sep 14th, 2013

post method send a file but get method not send a file

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  • Sep 15th, 2015

GET method can send only 1024 bytes of information and POST method have no limit.

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Abinash Kumar

  • Jun 20th, 2017

Both will execute faster its just that the difference in method. Post does not throws value or information in the address bar but get does.

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