QTP Object Repository

What is the use of Object Repository in QTP? How to use this Object Repository for testing purpose?

Questions by Sumith K.V

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

QTP repository is used to store the properties of the objects (like buttons,check boxes, etc) while recording.

When the scripts are re-run, QTP identifies the objects on the basis of the properties of the objects.


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  • Jun 16th, 2009

In QTP object repository has a key role.

Object Repository stores all the information of the application screen's/window's objects/fields.
In QTP all application fields/objects are categorised into classes as per  buttons,labels,windows,combo boxes...etc. All this information is maintained in object repository.

Each object/field,window/screen has certain properties and inturn these properties have values eg: Button is an object and it has property enable, its value can be 0 or 1
 0 says its disbaled and 1 says enabled.

All the objects information is stored hierarchically in the object repository while recording.During play back QTP will fetch the details of the objects from object repository locate the same in the application and perform necessary operation on them. 

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  • Dec 19th, 2009

Object repository act as a interface b/w application and QTP. It stores all the objects on which some opration is performed during recording.

Here new objects can be created/deleterd. We can also export objects from local object repository to shared repository.

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The place where all the learned objects are stored along with the physical description is a object repository and also it acts as an interface between scripts and application...

The process of identifying the values of an object is called learning.  The property value pair which has be learned to make it unique is a physical description.

First QTP identifies the class
It takes the properties of object goes into the object identification and matches the properties which each and every property of a class, if single property is not matched then it leaves that class and goes for the next, until each and every property is matched.

QTP now identifies the object
After successful class identification now qtp identifies the object belonging to same class...now it takes 1 property for object and gets the value of the property and checks whether the property value paired learned is unique in object repository or not...if unique
stops the learning
add the object in object repository
identifies the activities done on object and  generate the script.

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