Application Migration

You are the new WebSphere Administrator for a company, and you are asked to migrate an existing application to an alternate environment. This application is managed by the Corporate Services group and is mission critical, there is very little documentation for this application. Describe all of the steps you would use to deploy this application.

Questions by belle_jia

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

For deployment of an application we need to have WAR & then EAR files generated.
1) First we need to generate a war file..
2) Secondly, using that war file we need to generate EAR File,
which is finally deployable.
3) Deploy on the Server
Thats it!

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  • Apr 27th, 2010

Identify the targeted environment's platform.

If the targeted env has a different versions of the needed technology (for eg. different or newer versions of JDK, database, deployment paths for static files (.xml, .properties, .html, .htm, .js, .css)), then accordingly estimate the time required for change.

If there is a change in the underlying compiler version, then the application needs to be re-compiled for the newer version of the compiler (may be from JDK1.2 to JDK1.6)

Here, also the system architect should foresee any other third party application constraint such as some of the third party application which may not run in the targeted env. A decompilation may be required on this and should be informed to the application stake holders (business groups).

Movement of static files would also result in change in the dynamic codes (.java, .jsp) which may fall in the view and controller layer of the application.

Re-configuration of lookup files may be required in the new environment. This would be very specific which depends on underlying OS, the Application Server platform and the standards being used in governance of the corporate technical group.

Then the application needs to be bundled for the new environment as a regular J2EE .war or .ear files. Required update is necessary for the startup script of the new environment.

Deployment again depends on the newer Application server.

Things should work fine after carrying out the proper Unit Test, Integration Test, System Test and UAT.

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