Tractor Wheels

Why is the rear wheel of tractor larger than its front wheel?

Questions by anuragdhupiya   answers by anuragdhupiya

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Mar 6th, 2009

A larger circumference wheel presents a larger contact area with the ground and offers greater traction. A larger wheel also provides a more level ride over a rough surface. Torque is not a deciding factor.


  • Apr 11th, 2009

A tractor is basically used for farming hence it needs more traction at the rear because it has to carry the heavy plunger that Is why it has larger wheels at rear to carry larger forces.

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  • Aug 7th, 2009

1. Bigger wheel - more radius hence more torque.
2. Bigger base - for farming over fields, to reduce pressure.

The front wheels are not changed to avoid unnecessary cost. Even in big carrier trucks one can see that the rear wheels have bigger base or there are two rear wheels fixed on either side. In cars this is not done as it is unnecessary, and also reducing the front wheels would complicate the design of the car, adding to its production cost.

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Srinivas pilla

  • May 20th, 2014

you know tractor takes less space in turnings than other vehicles like buses lorries that's why it has large space at the rare it provides best turning and more secure my advice please watch a tractor while it takes turn try. u know

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